Investigating and Analysis the Role of Quality Management in Constructing Knowledge Management Value Chain in Organization
Subject Areas : FuturologyK. Bahreini 1 * , M. Houshangi 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه
Keywords: Quality Management systems, Perspective of human resources, Knowledge Management Value Cha, Infrastructures of Knowledge M,
Abstract :
Nowadays, with developing and promoting knowledge in organizations, effective management ofknowledge in trend of organizational goals is so important. Constructing infrastructures of knowledgemanagement is crucial for better controlling and monitoring of organizational knowledge. Knowledgeis a capital that couldn't dominate it simply. For guide employee of organization toward constructingand managing infrastructures of knowledge, it should be provided stimulus factors for them. QualityManagement as a comprehensive management system could has a crucial role in creating provocativefactors for organization's employee. In this article, with the perspective of human resources to qualitymanagement, we want to investigate influences of people-oriented factors of quality management inconstructing knowledge management value chain activities in organization, at three dimensions, thatinclude: Top management leadership and commitment, Plans of promoting competences of employeesand Customer-Oriented.From results of literature review and case study of research, at all of factors in quality management,we concluded that quality management has discernible relation with knowledge management valuechain activities. In analysis of correlation coefficient between variables of quality management andknowledge management value chain activities, the highest coefficient was between customer-orientedin plans of organization and knowledge management value chain activities, and plans of promotingcompetences of employees and Top management leadership and commitment were in later steps.Importance of customer-oriented in plans of organization is notable in constructing infrastructures ofknowledge management. Quality management creates inherent potentials in organization that couldplay prominent role in creating infrastructures of knowledge management in organization. Thisresearch tries to investigate, influences of Quality Management systems in constructing infrastructuresof knowledge management in organization.