Future studies to identify factors affecting the hospital information systems staff performance in Tehran's Milad Hospital
Subject Areas : Futurology
1 - PhD student Management ,Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
(Corresponding Author)
Keywords: Future Studies, management information systems, Hospital Information System,
Abstract :
Introduction: future technology aimed at updating the knowledge management in the country Policy-making, decision-making and national and international long-term strategies planned Future studies should focus on information systems in the field of hospital care and services provided by hospitals and quick access to the staff assignments. Objective: To provide a structured and coherent information to improve performance. The factors in future studies on hospital information systems to identify and prioritize the performance. The research on the purpose and methodology description of the causal comparative and sampling stratified random with of 40 Morgan table spouses Inventory Management 17 items with Likert 5-scale and test spss18 and test non-parametric Friedman was. Conclusion: The results show that components of quick decisions and staff with an average of 90.3 degrees of freedom 92/969 of staff Dada important priority among the other components of the hospital information system and the greatest impact than other indicators there.