Providing a conceptual framework for institutionalize information and communication technologies (ICT) in university management systems
Subject Areas : FuturologyA. Taghipoor-Zahir 1 * , A. Sharifi 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Information and Communication , Components, ICT skills, Factors, approaches for
, Use of ICT, conceptual framework,
Abstract :
Use of "Information and Communication Technology" encompass all aspects of The Living and coincidewith other sections, In the Higher education also created amazing Evolution. Many scientist agree in thisarea that Universities should be not only as "Think Tank and Social development center", that Indrawn andintegration Technology in to Universities, But also to be pioneer in Technology innovation. This agendaneed to have Frameworks and Models that shows relationship between dimensions of ICT and acting asguidance for doing.Very efforts were accomplished that Conceptualizing Use of ICT in Education and Higher Education adhoc,and explain role of these Technologies. But not Represented Framework that InstitutionalizedIntegration of ICT in Universities.The aim of this study is represent same Framework. For this point, I identify dimensions of ICT inUniversities by investigate of theorical foundation and Research Background, and categorized thisdimensions in to The five categories as Independent Variables that each level contained Several clusters ofvariables. Also, it was investigated which approaches are emerging with Respect to the used of ICT inUniversities. These approaches were depend variables which have Two levels: Now and Future.It Seeks to Answer for Study questions. For this object, It is designed Questionnaire that it is contained 47questions and 201 statement. Then, account questionnaire reliability and validity and gathered data of 410samples (Include: 60Managers, 180 Faculty and 170 University staff). This Data is Analyzed by StatisticalMethods Such as; One Samples t Test, Paired Samples t Test, ANOVA, Factor Analysis and Regression.Conclusions showed that each Five Categories variables are important in use of ICT in UniversityManagement. However, for Institutionalization ICT in University Management, First need to exactlyidentified approaches then identified variables That Will Have an Influence on this approach, and betterexplain it changes. In finally step, this variables Involved in planning for development of ICT inUniversities.Finally, In Terms of analysis, provided a Conceptual Framework for Institutionalizing use of ICT inUniversity Management. In This Framework each category of variables predicts next category, and allvariables predicts university approaches for Use of ICT.