On the relationship between Tehran stock exchange indexes and capital expenses of government
Subject Areas : Futurology
G. Talebnia
N. Jalili
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Financial policy of government, capital expenses of government, tehran price index(tepix), tehrandividend price index (te, tehran dividend index (tedix), financial index, fifty more activ
, company ind,
Abstract :
The government investments can have strength role in development activity of stock exchange .Therefor,the aim of this research is survey and studying a bout the relationship and effect of capital expenses ofgovernment on the activity of tehran stockexchange as a mainpart of capital market and important part ofeconomics. This stady address the following hypothesis: «there is a meaningful relationship between tehranstock exchang indexs and capital expenses of government.» this hypothesis has six secondry hypotheses inwhich the meaningful relationship between capital expenses of government and six tehran stock exchangindexs such as tehran price index, tehran dividend price index, tehran dividend index, financial, industrialand 50 more activ company index (tse-50) are considersd.The results of this research revealed that: there is a positive and meaningful relationship between capitalexpenses of government and tehran price index, tehran dividend price index and industry index, in period ofsurvey and a not very strong relationship between capital expenses of government and tehran dividend,financial and fifty more activ company indexes, on during five years (1377-1381) has been observed.In the light of these findings, we can utilize government financial policy and specialy capital expenses ofgovernment for predict the changes of tehran stock exchange indexs.