The Study of the Corelation and Consistency Between the Organization Stracture (Formality, Concentration and Complexity) and the Strategic Goles in Radio and TV Organization and Presrntion of a Suitable Pattern
Subject Areas : Futurology
1 - نویسنده مسئول
2 - ندارد
Keywords: Organizational Structure, concentration, complexity, Goles in Radio and TV, Consistency
, Between Organiza, Structure and Strategic goles,
Abstract :
Objective of this Paper is to identify problems and hindrances of radio and TV Organization. Both to executeits procedural strategy and objectives. To realize recent structure and to organized: to identify its weaknessesand strength: and to execute its accomplished procedural strategy and objectives.The presence of various kinds of communication devices such as satellite and Internet : social changes :positional threat of Radio and TV: procedural role of propagation: protection: development; explanation ofIslam’s superiority and universality as well as fundamentals of Islamic Revolution; and explaining ImamKhomeini (Rahs) thoughts , religious government; and principal of authority of the qualified faqih; we needto create a suitable organizational structure with the new strategy for Radio and TV organization of IslamicRepublic of Iran.When the structure is adaptable with the strategy; its success is enhanced and its strategy would change.Therefore, its structure would also change. So the researcher has tried to study the organizational structure ofRadio and TV organization and its strategic objectives by emphasizing on the complexity; formality andcentralization; the researcher also is going to answer this question! Is the organization structure of Radio andTV organization adaptable with its procedural objectives?There fore, the research hypothesis has been that, is a difference between the organizational structure ofRadio and TV organization and its procedural objectives or not?Respective to the research and investigation system, the investigation is descriptive (measurable) and itsobjective is applied, so, concerning the investigation objective , Radio and TV organization could utilize theresults of the investigation.The investigation results showed that, Radio and TV organization is highly centralized and formalized,according to the views of the respective managers and authorities the media has an important mission