Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping
Subject Areas : Futurology
Housein Vazifehdust
Donya eskandarnia
1 - ندارد
2 - مسئول مکاتبات
Keywords: Website design, Reliability, Responsiveness, Trust, personalization, Overall service
, quality, Customer Satisfaction, Purchase intentions,
Abstract :
ObjectiveInfluence dimensions of service quality in online stores(website design, reliability,trust, personalization, responsiveness) on the overall service quality, customer satisfaction andcustomer's perception which lead to purchase intentions,was reviewed.Methodology descriptive (type of survey) study, society is people who have experiencedonline shopping. Sampling method was simple random sample, and sample volume was 385person. Data collection tool was a questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and Lisrelsoftware is used For analyzing.Research results website design and Personalization in online store, have not influence onpurchase intention. Trust, reliability, and responsiveness in an online store positively influencespurchase intentions.Research Limitations non- cooperation some online shops for insert questionnaire in theirstores, and Notcommonly online shopping among people.Managerial Implications Managersof online stores to set up an online shop mostly focused toput customer's confidence. Recommended to administrators of online stores is more attentiononthesecurity oftheir ownsaleswebsite.Originality/Value All stages of the research on the web and have been done online form.