Examine methods of students’ selection in our country for presenting optimum model
Subject Areas : Futurologyنادر قلی Ghaurchian 1 * , M. Azamani 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: students’ selection, entirely examination for entra, educational improvement
, eval, evaluations’ models, and supportive models,
Abstract :
Ongoing development of knowledge and technology in the ultra modern world and its spreading indeveloping countries obliged these countries a long-term investment for training the qualified and capablestudents who could strengthen the scientific aspects for our country and motivate for scientific andtechnologic advancement. Whereas reaching this goal is the purpose of the ruling organizations of eachcountry, the precision of commission and the accommodation of operation with this ideal are verysignificant, accuracy and authenticity of this purpose would be just possible by "Essay", "Assay" and"Evaluation".Therefore, researcher must studying the evaluation problem in educational system moreover investigate thevalues after high school and entering to the higher education, would search for achieving an ideal pattern inassay and optimum selection of capable and susceptible students for entrance to higher educational course.To gain this goal, certain facts should be kept in mind, such as; assigning the principle component instudents’ election, presenting an appropriate pattern and describe the structure as a strategic treatments inimproving the students’ election system. Researcher by applying the review of respective literature andcomparative study of selected countries as Japan, USA, Australia, England and French according to thedescriptive-survey method has codified a model consist of four basic components (Philosophy, Objects,Executive process, Evaluation and Feedback) and some subordinate components. The codifying modelinclude a questionnaire, a measure of 7 Likert Degree, was considered by authorities and experts forevaluation. The statistical sample for questionnaire of studying the suggested model was considered byFaculty members of universities, Managers and Experts of National Organization for Educational Testing,Managers and Experts of Minister of Education (n=50).Most important results obtained of questionnaire performance show authorities and experts confirmationwith above agreement (average 5.91 of 7) from suggested model. Thus, the member of statistical modelcompletely confirmed and accepted model of philosophy (90%), objective of model (80%), executiveprocess (80%), evaluation and feedback (90%).Finally, some recommendations and suggestions were presented for implementing the students’ admissionmodel in country.