Examing the Importance of Brand Equity for Customer Loyalty in the Food and Beverage Industries in Iran
Subject Areas : FuturologyM. Bamenimoghadam 1 * , K. Hidarzadeh 2 * , H. Mehrzadi 3 *
1 - ندارد
2 - نویسنده مسئول یا طرف مکاتبه
3 - ندارد
Keywords: behavioral loyalty, Attitudinal Loyalty, Satisfaction, Trust, Brand Equity, Affect, Resistance To
, Change, Value, B2B markets,
Abstract :
Business organizations in B2B markets create strategies for attracting customers and gaining theirloyalty.This paper examines the importance of brand equity for customer loyalty in the food and beverageindustry of Iran. This study evaluates satisfaction, value, trust, resistance to change, affect, and brandequity in relation to behavioral and attitudinal loyalty. The results show that attitudinal loyalty isrelated with trust , satisfaction, and brand equity only.