The Study of knowledge management on development of higher education system and presentation of an appropriate model
Subject Areas : FuturologyN. Gh. Ghorchian 1 * , A. Ol. Lahijanian 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Keywords: knowledge management, Knowledge, vision, skill, Model,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design a practical model to apply knowledge management in highereducation system including universities and higher education institutions .The review of relevant literature have revealed the supercomplexity and extensiveness of the range oftheoretical frameworks and empirical research on knowledge management in universities and highereducation institutions around the world. On the other hand, a review of literature in Iran shows the limitationof relevant resources and lack of theoretical framework and empirical research in the educational system.Researcher attempted to design an appropriate model through a survey of theories and models such as: theparticipatory processes of the learning organization, vision process, knowledge process, the process of theindependent and dependent technology, the process of knowledge resolution, the spiral process ofknowledge, and the concept of knowledge management, so, researcher’s ideas and experiences developed theinitial model on the basis of the constituent variables of the existing models.A questionnaire served as the instrument of the study. Test-retest and Cronbach alpha showed the instrumentreliability indices of 94.75 and 93.73, respectively. To determine the content validity of the instrument, apilot study was conducted among 30 participants including University Chancellors,assistant of universitiesdeans of faculties and heads of departments; and faculty members of universities across the country. Afterdetermining the validity and reliability of the instrument and making necessary modifications, the proposedmodel (final questionnaire) was administered to a group of 385 (n=360) participants who were selectedthrough random sampling procedure, and comprised four groups of University including UniversityChancellors (n1=20), assistants of universities (n2=80) ,deans of faculties and heads of departments (n3=80) ,and faculty members of universities(n4=205).The data were collected and analyzed by the SPSS software using descriptive (frequency tables and charts)and inferential statistics including Pearson correlation coefficients to determine getherness of the variables,ANOVA among the four groups, Factor Analysis (Extraction) and Principle Component Analysis. Thefinding indicated four groups strongly confirmed the model.the model was accepted on the basis of theobtained index of 6.15 out of 7 (criterion).The major contribution of this study is an appropriate knowledge management model proposed to be appliedto in higher education system including universities and higher education institutions. the major finding ofthis study was a model made up of seven main components: philosophy, goals, theoretical basis, foundations, conceptual framework of knowledge, conceptual framework of vision, conceptual framework of skills,implementation procedures, evaluation, and re-engineering systems of an appropriate model.It is suggested that the knowledge management model be applied to universities and higher educationsystems by implementing the proposed model ,higher education system will be able to meet the challengesof needs of society, challenges of knowledge society, challenge of national, regional, and internationalcompetition for meeting the requirements of the fourth phase of human life. Therefore, regarding theircontextual and specific requirements and the increasing growth of knowledge, in higher education systemincluding universities and higher education institutions should employ such a model to be able to challengethe endless problems. Also, while highlighting the common ground between similarity and desimilaritypoints ,they should change the points of difference into commonalities with the application of managementtechniques. Using such techniques, they can establish and institutionalize the system of knowledgemanagement at the administration systems of higher education curriculum development.