Identifying the Effective Universities in Sustainable Development
Subject Areas : Futurologyhasan mousavi 1 * , nadergholi ghorchian 2 , parivash jaafari 3
1 - PhD in Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Research Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. (Correspondence Officer)
3 - Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Islamic Azad University, Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: university, Effective Areas, identification, Sustainable development,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of studying and extracting the fields and identifying the effective dimensions of the university. This research was descriptive research and was carried out qualitatively. In this research, the data from the interview were analyzed using content analysis technique. In this technique, the raw data derived from spoken messages based on the deduction was categorized and categorized. Participants in the targeted way were selected among sustainable development experts in the field of higher education and were able to achieve data saturation. This study was conducted with the participation of 10 experts. Choosing contributors with the widest variety has increased the credibility of the data. The identified areas were categorized into six main groups: education, research, services, technological innovation, culture management and management. Then, the effective academic dimensions of each of the domains were identified, resulting in a total of 80 academic grade impact interviews. These dimensions were categorized in their core domain.