Designing lay-off pattern of human resources, Based on Securing Future Job Approach for the Staff in Municipalities of Esfahan Province
Subject Areas : Futurology
Mohsen Sanei
Naser Mirsepasi
Karamollah Daneshfard
Nazanin Pilehveri
1 - Ph.D student of State Management in Azad University , Science and Research Branch ,Tehran , Iran
2 - Head of State Management Department in Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran ,Iran
3 - Head of State Management Department in Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran ,Iran
4 - Associate professor of Industrial Management in accountancy and Management College of Azad University , Yadegar-e-Imam Branch , Tehran , Iran
Keywords: lay-off, human resources planning, behavioral factors, human resources information system, fuzzy Delphi Method, individual factors, structural factors,
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to present a pattern regarding lay-off in municipalities of Esfahan province, and to analyze the impact of structural, behavioral and individual factors on lay-off and its aspects. The research was done to secure future jobs for the staff who either want to leave or the staff who have remained in the organization. The method used to do this research is descriptive and correlative .The method used to collect information is mixed (qualitative and quantitative).In the first stage (qualitative approach), the subjects were 22 experts who had suitable information about the issue of lay-off. A lay-off pattern and the influential factors on lay-off were designed using the fuzzy Delphi method and also fuzzy logic. The two methods were used to have more correlation between the views of the experts. Then, in the quantitative part, a questionnaire was designed in order to evaluate the pattern and then after reviewing the validity of the questionnaire through Exploratory Factor Analysis, it was given to some managers who, based on Judgmental Sampling, had been chosen out of managers of branches of municipalities in Esfahan province. The relationships between components of the model were reviewed using structural equation model. The findings demonstrated that all of the e hypotheses were confirmed. Considering the mentioned indices for the aspects of lay-off in this research ,municipalities can adopt effective decisions regarding determining the kind of job ,the kind of performance they will have in future (for the staff that will remain in the organization) and also about necessary measures taken to secure future jobs for the staff leaving the organization.