Designing a Model for Total Branding in Organizations which Hold Non-Academic Educational Events
Subject Areas : FuturologySepehr Tarverdian 1 , ahmad Roosta 2 * , Kambiz Heydarzadeh 3 , Mohammad Rahim Esfidani 4
1 - Department of Marketing Managment, UAE Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Asistant Professor, Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: non-academic educational events, Model, total branding,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to designing a model for total branding in organizations which hold non-academic educational events. To achieve the research goal, the mixed method research was used which consists of two qualitative and quantitative parts. In the qualitative section of the research, an interviewing tool was used and and qualitative data was gatherd by interwing from educational experts. Then, using Grounded theory, the data was analyzed. Total branding model in the Non-Academic Educational Events including specific factors (competence, originality, professionalism, event advantage, total services, strategic attitude and knowledge workers) general effective factors (marketing, communications, hardware and software, financial resources and sponsors) background conditions (social conditions, economic conditions, political conditions, new technologies) Intervener factors (sanctions, unexpected events, permits) and consequences (satisfaction, survival, success, supremacy and social support) based on the main phenomenon of comprehensive branding and personal dimensions, the product and branding company. Then, this model was tested using the structural equation model. 407 from managers, assistant director and experts from companies and non-university training institutes participated in the research. Using the structural equation model, the relationships between the model variables were analyzed and evaluated and the results were reported.results of fit indices indicated that the research data have a suitable fitness model with the factor structure.