Application of mathematical modeling in order to analyze the environmental barriers of export in the field of agriculture: the best-worst approach
Subject Areas :Maryam Mirzaei 1 , Jalal Haghighat monfared 2 * , Jamshid Edalatian Shahriari 3
1 - Doctoral student of Management Department, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Brach, Islamic Azad University
3 - Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Export barriers, environmental approach, best-worst approach,
Abstract :
The issue of exports, especially in the field of agriculture, is one of the most important issues, but it has many challenges and obstacles from different perspectives.One of these landscapes is the environmental dimension,which identifying and providing solutions to eliminate or reduce them can lead to economic development.The purpose of this research is to identify obstacles and provide a mathematical model in order to prioritize them using the best method.It is the worst.For this purpose, at first,by reviewing the literature and semi-structured interviews with 8experts in the field of exporting agricultural products, the obstacles in the environmental dimension were identified.In this process, thematic analysis method was used and the number of identified obstacles was more than 8.In the next step,considering that the frequency of obstacles for2 cases was less than 5 people, 6 final obstacles were obtained.In order to prioritize obstacles,the best-worst technique and Lingo software were used.Based on this, according to the analysis,the three obstacles"not paying attention to the standardization of export products according to the needs of the destination country","the use of fake fertilizers and lack of health standards in the market" and "not analyzing the origin of the product" The order with weights of0.419, 0.221 and0.126 are the most important obstacles in the export of agricultural products from the environmental aspect, which should be removed in order to improve and eliminate the gaps in this area.
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