Optimization of petroleum condensate supply chain using mathematical modeling and simulation
Subject Areas :Hamidreza Mahmoudi 1 , Morteza Bazrafshan 2 * , Mohadeseh Ahmadipour 3
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of Industrial Engineering, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran.(Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran.
Keywords: Optimization, Modeling, Mathematical Programming, greenhouse gas emissions,
Abstract :
In this research, a framework for optimizing the oil condensate supply chain is designed using mathematical programming and simulation. Based on this framework, investment and operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions for oil and gas transmission lines can be minimized to meet pressure and transmission network needs. We can also minimize the production of pollutants in the related parts of the chain. By applying a real case study, all possible decisions are taken into account to consider the environmental aspects of the supply chain. Therefore, the structure and decisions of the supply chain are generally based on two objective functions, including the reduction of transportation and maintenance costs and pollution in treatment plants and distribution centers. The results showed that using the proposed model reduces costs by 31% and greenhouse gas emissions by 51%. There will also be an 8% increase in the capacity of fields and refineries and a 65% increase in exports. Using the results obtained from solving the model, it is possible to determine the share of each oil product in the total price and each part of the chain in the production of greenhouse gases. According to the results, oil is the most expensive and oils are the least expensive. In addition, refineries have the most impact and storage tanks have the least impact on environmental pollution.
طی گزارش سالیانۀ بین¬المللی انرژی در سال 2010 که در سایت http://www.energy.gov موجود است.
طی گزارش سالیانۀ بین¬المللی انرژی در سال 2009 که در سایت http://www.energy.gov موجود است.
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