Internal Branding Model Design Islamic Azad University of Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan)
Subject Areas :Homan Amir Ahmadi 1 , Mehrdad Sadeghi de cheshmeh 2 * , Siamak Korang Beheshti 3
1 - Doctoral student of Cultural Management and Planning, Faculty of Islamic Governance, Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Management Department, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Management Department, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Brand, Internal brand, Cultural Approach, Khorasan Azad University,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study is to identify the factors that affect internal branding with emphasis on the cultural approach of the Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch. The research method is qualitative research (ground theory) and is applied in terms of purpose. Interviews were used to collect information. The external validity and qualitative reliability of the data have been calculated and confirmed. The statistical population was a group of experts and professors of Khorasgan University, which was initially 9 people and then continued until the final saturation of 12 people. The ground theory method was used to analyze the data. First, categories and concepts were extracted through interviews and with the help of open coding and central coding, and the number of 91 open codes and 29 central categories was obtained. Internal branding is to increase employees' commitment to the organization; Of course, this will be achieved if the senior managers support the activities of human resources management and also the employees of the organization. The more this support, the commitment of the employees in the organization will increase and the internal brand will be better formed. Also, human resource managers were familiar with all factors of human resource management, such as the processes of recruitment, retention, performance evaluation, training, development, health and safety, communication, suggestion system, etc., and their main problem is the lack of implementation of these processes due to various reasons such as culture.
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