Development and improvement of ranking index in TOPSIS method with pticture fuzzy data
Subject Areas :
Vahide Hojjati NajafAbadi
reza maddahi
1 - Department of Mathematics, Computer Faculty, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
2 - Department of Mathematics, Computer Faculty, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran
Keywords: Topsis, fuzzy set, intuitive fuzzy set, visual fuzzy set,
Abstract :
Since Professor Lotfi Asgarzadeh introduced the fuzzy set to the world in 1965, many new theories about inaccuracy and uncertainty have emerged. Some of these theories, as a secondary development of fuzzy set theory, proposed a new concept called Picture Fuzzy Set (PFS). On the other hand, one of the methods that is widely used in multi-criteria decision making is called TOPSIS method. In this article, the TOPSIS method is first explained in the presence of fuzzy image data, and then a new ranking index is developed using this method, with the aim of improving its performance. In the following, an example is solved using Excel software to explain the method presented in this article. Also, by solving an example with fuzzy numbers that is presented in the definition of image fuzzy numbers in this research, the necessary changes are made using Excel software and the distance to the ideal and anti-ideal state is calculated. Finally, a new ranking is determined.
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