Investigating the relationship between professional ethics and work discipline with the job performance of sixth grade elementary teachers in Bojnord city
Subject Areas :Rahele Alizadeh 1 , Roya Afrassiabi 2 *
1 - PhD student in Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Bojnord branch.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Bojnord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnord, Iran. (Responsible author)
Keywords: professional ethics, work discipline, work performance.,
Abstract :
The general purpose of the current research was to "investigate the relationship between professional ethics and work discipline with the work performance of sixth grade teachers in Bojnord". In terms of purpose, the research was applied, and in terms of research type and descriptive-survey implementation method, it was correlational. The statistical population includes all 6th grade elementary teachers of Bojnord city, numbering 306 people, of which 170 people were selected according to Cochran's formula and by simple random sampling. The data of this research was collected by three questionnaires of professional ethics by Ghasemzadeh et al. (2013), occupational discipline by Cornelius (1999) and job performance by Hersey and Smith (1981), whose validity was form and content and their reliability through Cronbach's alpha was estimated as (0.80), (0.86) and (0.78). To analyze the data in the descriptive statistics section (mean, standard deviation and calculation of central and dispersion indices) and in the inferential statistics section for the data analysis and generalization of the results, Pearson's correlation coefficient and regression tests were used using spss23 statistical software. The results showed that there is a relationship between professional ethics and work discipline with the work performance of sixth grade elementary teachers in Bojnord city (r=0.898) and overall professional ethics and organizational discipline explain (80.4) percent of the variance of the job performance equation. In general conclusion, it can be said that the more professional ethics and discipline teachers have, the higher their job performance.
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