Examining the impact of social responsibilities of the bank on employee performance and customer satisfaction and loyalty
Subject Areas :علی حمیدی زاده 1 , رسول ثانوی فرد 2 , مهسا اسدالله 3 *
1 - استادیار ،گروه مدیریت پردیس فارابی دانشگاه تهران ، قم، ایران.
2 - استادیار ،گروه مدیریت بازرگانی، واحد قم، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، قم، ایران.
3 - دکتری مدیریت بازاریابی، واحد قم، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، قم، ایران.
Keywords: Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Perceived Quality, Employees Performance.,
Abstract :
: Corporate social responsibility has attracted many researchers over the past decade. Since the organizations need to serve different kinds of people (such as shareholders, customers and employees), It is important for them to be familiar with social responsibility because it creates great opportunities for growth and prosperity in the market and among customers. In this way, they would have the ability to acquire a good reputation in the market, and create a positive image of themselves in customers’ mind. The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of social responsibility of the bank on employee performance and customer satisfaction and loyalty. Statistical universe of the research included customers of a private bank (whose name has not been mentioned in this study due to confidentiality). In this research, by using random sampling method, 189 people from Tehran branches of the bank were selected. Finally, after distributing 200 copies of questionnaire in the statistical universe, 189 questionnaires were accepted to analyze. Further, to analyze data, we employed structural equations modelling (SEM) using Warp PLS software. Results show that social responsibility affects employee performance and perceived quality of services however it does not have any significant impact on customer satisfaction. In addition, employee satisfaction has a significant impact on customer satisfaction contributing to customer behavioral and attitudinal loyalty
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