Employee perceived Ethical Leadership and psychological empowerment: the role of moderating emotional exhaustion
Subject Areas :غلامرضا کاشانی 1 * , افشین عرفانی 2
1 - دکتری مدیریت منابع انسانی، دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری، واحد یادگار امام خمینی (ره) شهرری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
2 - دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری، واحد یادگار امام خمینی (ره) شهرری، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تهران، ایران
Keywords: Ethical Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, Emotional exhaustion, Modeling of Structural Equations,
Abstract :
Psychological empowerment as an internal stimulus allows employees to build self-efficacy using their sense of self-confidence and autonomy in their jobs. According to the theory of social learning, the extraction of information from the observed behaviors of organization leaders in understanding the meaningfulness and the effect of job occupation, which is one of the important dimensions of psychological empowerment, plays a significant role. Moreover, emotional exhaustion of employees may cause fewer employees to absorb and Allowing psychological empowerment resources to be desirable and not an attempt to decode codes derived from an ethical leadership style. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the perceived ethical leadership style of the staff with psychological empowerment and the role of emotional exhaustion moderator in this regard. The statistical population of the research is Isako Company in Tehran, and a sample of 265 people was randomly assigned to the Morgan table using a random number table. For measurement of psychological empowerment, the Spritezer questionnaire (1995) with 12 items was used to measure ethical leadership from the questionnaire of Brown and et al. (2005) with 10 items. To collect emotional exhaustion data, Maslach and Jackson (1981) Includes 9 questions. Validity (convergent and divergent) and reliability (composite reliability coefficient and Cronbach's alpha coefficient) obtained from the structural equation modeling technique indicate that the instrument has good validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed using PLS software and significant relationships between the variables were performed using T statistics. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation between the perceived ethical leadership style and the psychological empowerment of the staff, which is weakened by the presence of emotional exhaustion in the staff. The moderate effect of moderating its effect was evaluated.
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