On the powers of fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrices
Subject Areas : History and biographyM. Kavitha 1 * , P. Murugadas 2 , S. Sriram 3
1 - Department of Mathematics, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002, India
2 - Department of Mathematics, Government Arts college (Autonomous), Karur, India
3 - Mathematics Wing, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002, India
Keywords: Fuzzy neutrosophic soft set, fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrix, fuzzy neutrosophic soft vector, fuzzy neutrosophic soft eigenvectors, circulant fuzzy neutrosophic soft matrix,
Abstract :
In this paper, The powers of fuzzy neutrosophic soft square matrices (FNSSMs) under the operations $\oplus(=max)$ and $\otimes(=min)$ are studied. We show that the powers of a given FNSM stabilize if and only if its orbits stabilize for each starting fuzzy neutrosophic soft vector (FNSV) and prove a necessary and sufficient condition for this property using the associated graphs of the FNSM. Applications of the obtained results to several spacial classes of FNSMs (including circulants) are given.
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