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  • List of Articles

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Structuralism: Synthesis of Positivism and Post- Positivism, The Debate between NeoRealism and Neoliberalism
        عبدالعلی Ghavam
        In this article, the author looks at the difinition of sturcturalism,as an explainatory theory thereby striving to portray a realisticapproach in studying of international politics. He seeks to explorethe social approach of structuralism, the different theoricians in th More
        In this article, the author looks at the difinition of sturcturalism,as an explainatory theory thereby striving to portray a realisticapproach in studying of international politics. He seeks to explorethe social approach of structuralism, the different theoricians in thisfield, the normative role that the institutional stuctures play. He alsohighligts the connectness between normative trarsformations andalso the subject of identity and state interests. When used to examinethe story of structure to reduce the conflict between intellectualismand rectionanism and making balance among post-positivism andpositivism, the author considers that the utility of structuralism istaking into account the explanatory approach which has no usefulapplication on its part Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Theoretical Qualification of Mediation for International Litigation
        محمود Vaezi
        In late 19th and 20th century, much has happend for the peacefulsettlement of disputes, taking full account of the recent developmentsinstead of the use of force. After much travail the internationalconferences have been created, the system for addressing disputes setup More
        In late 19th and 20th century, much has happend for the peacefulsettlement of disputes, taking full account of the recent developmentsinstead of the use of force. After much travail the internationalconferences have been created, the system for addressing disputes setup by the conventions, come into force. As with other means of disputesettlement is the process of mediation. The cases just considered arewhat the author indicates about the kinds of concerns that induce thisway of settlement: political, legal and technical questions and alsothe dispute itself. The purpose of this article is a completely referenceto a definitive overview of mediation of disputes to the litigation,mediator, mediation clauses. The author has produced a critique ofthe mediation with special focus on litigations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Constraints to Iran’s Regional Supremacy
        سیدجلال Dehghani
        The new pan-regional approach of Iran’s foreign policy hasits own grpples with the fundemental problem of internal andinternational relations. The rule of the game could be and should bethe direct result of evolution of Iran’s inter-regional and foreign poli More
        The new pan-regional approach of Iran’s foreign policy hasits own grpples with the fundemental problem of internal andinternational relations. The rule of the game could be and should bethe direct result of evolution of Iran’s inter-regional and foreign policy.This is an welcome opening of this matter that will outline much ofthis progressive agenda in four section: Theoratical arrangements,structural indicators, regulation features, international systemsreaction. The author has produced a critique of different doctrines:the neo-realism approach, international system, structure organizing,structuralistic apporach. He concludes that for the foreseeablefuture, the bedroch of Iran’s pan-regionalism will remain bilateralagreements, collective alliance among the entire region on a regularbasis. New arrangements are needed to deal with distinct sets of issues in international and regional system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Institution of Shiism in Iran: Challenges and Opporatunities
        سید مصطفی Zbtahi
        In this article, the author takes a close look of the two centuriesof governship in the Shiism which subscribed the legitimacy ofgovernment in the occult era and also the Safavid achievementsfor the then governments. He also focuses his attention on thedebate evolution More
        In this article, the author takes a close look of the two centuriesof governship in the Shiism which subscribed the legitimacy ofgovernment in the occult era and also the Safavid achievementsfor the then governments. He also focuses his attention on thedebate evolution of political origins of Shia, to address the Safavidaccomplishment to mark the conclusion of “new pardigm” in Shia’spolitical philosophy and specially its foremost infulence on the statuesof Shia government in this period. The author is of the believe that thereason of methodical Islamic jurisprudence victory over narrativism,the stabilization of imitation and exertion principle the experssionof the Twelve-Imam theory and fagih (jurists) gurdianship traditionis because of the main debate which history had at the Safavid era.He conculdes that this debate was essentially ensused of these facts:Safavid founders claim about the relationship with the PromisedImam (Mehdi), their claim for supremacy and communication withthe dessendants of Prophet Mohammad and the existence of IslamicJurists in this period. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Berlin’s Articulation of Value Pluralism and Human Rights
        مسعود Rostami
        After the downfall of the Soviet Union and the impact ofglobalization, universalist democray has become the focus ofattention. Given the intensification of universal civil society andmuch of the progress in establishment of democratic govrenments the implications of hum More
        After the downfall of the Soviet Union and the impact ofglobalization, universalist democray has become the focus ofattention. Given the intensification of universal civil society andmuch of the progress in establishment of democratic govrenments the implications of human right has become a significant subject ofthe debate. The prominance of human rights from all side developedwith different kind of interpretations. Isaiah Berlin as the renownedpolitical and moral thinker of the age, has realized his task as oneof contributing to this idea. Comparing him with later liberals, hisaccount of human rights remains unexplored. In Beriln’s most explicitaccount, the national law doctrine is presented as unrestricted. In thisarticle, the author attempts to conclude with a brief discussion of theconception of human rights flowing from the value pluralism. Centralto this improvement of classical liberalism through the agonistic one,what is special about Berlin’s version of value pluralism, which leds tothe promotion of human rights? Manuscript profile