Ruling Systems as a new step toward getting out of a dead end: Dual definitions of Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism
Subject Areas : Journal of Law and PoliticsShohreh Jalalpour 1 * , Shiva Jalalpour 2 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
Abstract :
A Passing review of the history of the power structure in the third world societies indicatesa fundamental principle: A long written history of autocracy and dominance of despoticgovernments and personal rules.Asiatic or Oriental Despotism (Karl Marx), Oriental Patrimonial Rule (Max Weber), AsisticPatrimonial Despotism (Ahmad Ashraf) and the Sultanistic Regimes Theory (Linz and Shahabi)are models advanced to explain such a structure of power.The theory of Sultanistic Regimes is a relatively new and different theory which compared toother theories has demonstrated considerable potentialities.However, this theory has not-found an appropriate position among the models explainingnon-democratic structures.The present paper is an effort to explain and analyse the theory of Sultanistic Regimes andintroduce the main theorists.