Identifying the Challenges of Women's Presence in Iran's Stadiums
Subject Areas : Innovation in Sports ManagementZohreh Pourdahande 1 , Abolfazl Farahani 2 * , Ali Asghar Doroudian 3 , Shiva Azad Fada 4
1 - PhD student of sports management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of sports management, faculty member of Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Sports Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: the right to attend, women', s rights, jurisprudential challenges, women,
Abstract :
The issue of the presence of women in Iranian stadiums has long been a topic of discussion and disagreement among the people of politics, jurisprudence, and sociology. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify the challenges of women's presence in Iran's stadiums. The qualitative research method was qualitative content analysis. The statistical population of the research was made up of experts (university faculty members, lawyers, federation members, directors of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, directors of the National Olympic Committee and athletes). The data collection tool was through interviews. After conducting 20 interviews, the codes reached theoretical saturation. After step-by-step coding, 102 primary codes were obtained in the form of 17 sub-categories and 2 main categories: 1) infrastructural obstacles to the presence of women in stadiums, 2) jurisprudential challenges of women's presence in stadiums. . Regarding the obtained results, it can be said that paying attention to the educational status of women and their role in transferring the spirit of vitality and cheerfulness to the family, the presence of women both in sports fields and as spectators in competitions is not only incompatible with Islamic values. Rather, it is the basis for the country's movement in the path of progress, in other words, the presence of women will soften the male social life of the stadiums. If the functions of women's presence are explained more in advance by maintaining Shari'a affairs in many fields including sports .