Determining Effective Indicators on Sport Tourism Economy in Iran
Subject Areas : Innovation in Sports Management
Fatemeh Mohammadzadeh kalkhoran
Farshad Emami
عماد حسینی
1 - Ph.D. Student in Sports Management, Ayatollah Amoli Branch,Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
2 - Sport Management department, Ayatollah Amoli Branch,Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
3 - Sport Management department, Sport sciences and health faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehrn, Iran
Keywords: Sport Tourism, Tourism Economy, Economic Impact, Economic Development.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the country's sports tourism economy based on the AHP method. Method: It was a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) and based on foundation data theorizing. The data collection in the qualitative part was done by interviewing a statistical population of 22 people by sports managers and sports management professors, and snowball sampling was used. After conducting 22 interviews, 314 codes were identified in the form of 8 components and data analysis was done systematically using the theme analysis method in the Nvivo 10 software environment. The statistical population of 80 sports tourism experts, managers of travel agencies, sports tourists, and researchers in the field of sports tourism were selected by the AHP pairwise comparison method and the comprehensive sampling method, and the results were implemented as a model in the expert choice11 software. Findings: In the end, 69 codes were identified according to their importance and frequency in 8 categories (organizational and managerial factors, political and legal factors, marketing and advertising factors, infrastructure factors, cultural and social factors, attraction factors) , quality of service provision, financial factors and income) were categorized. According to AHP weighting in the ranking of components and sub-criteria, it was determined that the marketing component with a relative weight of 0.188 got the highest rank among the components. In the component of organizational and management factors, the index of using experts in the field of digital sports tourism with a relative weight of 0.473, political and legal factors, the sub-criterion of approval of the Foreign Investment Support and Encouragement Law (FIPPA) with a relative weight of 0.508, marketing and advertising factors, The sub-criterion of using well-known and famous figures to advertise tourist attractions with a relative weight of 0.652, infrastructure factors, the sub-criterion of designing the most modern sports facilities in the metaverse style with a relative weight of 0.327, service provision factors, the sub-criterion of using digital software and hardware technologies In recreation and sports resorts with a relative weight of 0.661, economic factors, the sub-criterion of using a digital currency payment system to improve the quality of sports financial services with a relative weight of 0.584, smart service factors, the sub-criterion of developing digital marketing strategies for the development of sports tourism with a relative weight 0.379, the highest sub-criteria of the mentioned components were obtained. Conclusion: The economy of sports tourism is one of the factors that are related to the prosperity of sports in different regions, and in this sense, it is very important. Therefore, it is possible to promote the economy of sports tourism by creating suitable platforms for marketing and investment by people with a sports background. Found.
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