The Effect of Developed Social Support on Customer Satisfaction and Citizenship Behavior
Subject Areas :
Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
karim hamdi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2018-10-06
Accepted : 2019-05-11
Published : 2018-12-22
Customer Satisfaction,
Citizenship Behavior,
Social Support,
Abstract :
The emergence of the phenomenon of globalization and the explosion of information and, consequently, the growth of global trade and the development of technology and the Internet in the present situation provide rapid access to information and increased competition in the business environment. Companies are constantly forced to monitor the business environment, make decisions, and react quickly to the opportunities and threats they face. With the advent of emerging technologies (the Internet and the social media), it is imperative for businesses and customers to find ways to take advantage of the benefits of technology and branding. One of the effective ways to create a better and more accurate understanding of the behavior of research clients in brand communities. This research investigates the effect of social support on customer satisfaction and citizenship behavior in Golestan Business Group. This study is a descriptive (non-experimental) and correlation study Structural equation model is considered. Descriptive of the fact that the researcher is only in a position to examine the status quo The variables in the research domain have been studied and studied for this reason It is considered that the researcher expects to provide a causal model for explanation Relationship between research variables is to evaluate the model and extract the amount “The Effect of Social Support on Customer Satisfaction and Citizenship Behavior in online brand communities - a case study in Iran's food industry”, and AMOS software was used. The results of this study show that in a brand community of Iran's food industry, social protection includes support Information and emotional support to customer satisfaction and citizenship behavior are factors such as providing feedback to the company, introducing the company to others, and helping other clients.
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Chang, Ben, Nien-Heng Cheng, Yi-Chan Deng, and Tak-Wai Chan. 2007. "Environmental design for a structured network learning society." Computers & Education 48 (2): 234-249. doi:
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Chiu, Chao-Min, Hsin-Yi Huang, Hsiang-Lan Cheng, and Pei-Chen Sun. 2015. "Understanding online community citizenship behaviors through social support and social identity." International Journal of Information Management 35: 504–519.
Gremler, D, and S. Brown. 2000. "Worth beyond Revenue: The Full Value of a Loyal Customer." Internation Service Quality Association Inc. 119-128.
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Hajli, M. Nick. 2014. "The role of social support on relationship quality and social commerce." Technological Forecasting and Social Change 87: 17-27. doi:
McAlexander, J. H.; Schouten, W. J.; Koening, F. 2002. "Building brand community." Journal of Marketing 66 (1): 38–54.
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Muniz, A., and H. J. Schau. 2005. "Religiosity in the abandoned Apple Newton brand community." Journal of Consumer Research 31 (4): 737–747.
Muniz, M. A.; O’Guinn, C. T.; 2001. "Brand community." Journal of Consumer Research 27 (4): 412–432.
Smedley, Richard, Neil Coulson, Jeff Gavin, Leon Watts, , and Leon Watts. 2015. "Online social support for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A content analysis of support exchanges within a newly launched discussion forum." Computers in Human Behavior 51 (A): 53-63. doi:
Zhao, Jingjing, Yonghui Wang, and Feng Kong. 2014. "Exploring the mediation effect of social support and self-esteem on the relationship between humor style and life satisfaction in Chinese college students." Personality and Individual Differences 64: 126-130. doi:
Zhou, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Su, C.; Zhou, N. 2011. "How do brand communities generate brand relationships? Intermediate mechanisms." Journal of Business Research 65 (7): 890-895.
Zhu, Dong Hong, Hui Sun, and Ya Ping Chang. 2016. "Effect of social support on customer satisfaction and citizenship behavior in online brand communities: The moderating role of support source." Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 31: 287-293. doi: