Analyzing the development of cultural and social trends affecting the general and public atmosphere of Ardabil province
Subject Areas : Journal of Iranian Social Development Studies
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Cultural development, cultural observation, flow analysis, cultural and social flows, Ardabil province.,
Abstract :
Culture and cultural management are among the things that are considered as the main axis and foundation of sustainable economic development. Culture, as a set of beliefs, attitudes and heart beliefs of a group and society, constitutes their way of life. When the society's way of life is based on a strong scientific and developed culture, it is easy to build the foundations of sustainable development. Based on this, in this article, an attempt is made to investigate and study the influential cultural currents from the point of view of managers and experts in relation to the factors and influential cultural-social currents governing Ardabil province. The main results of this analysis, using Q factor analysis was performed on the participants, four main mental groups were obtained from the perspective of the managers and experts of the province regarding the cultural currents of Ardabil province. The first group, which constitutes 23% of the respondents, expressed the existence of social harms in Ardabil province. are dissatisfied. The second group, which constitutes 37% of the responding managers and experts, have not expressed dissatisfaction with the cultural trends of Ardabil province. They have evaluated the province's culture in the political field. Finally, the fourth group, which constitutes 17% of the respondents, believes that the guardian of religious propaganda should be a specific organization. They are against the fact that the cultural products of Ardabil province have been able to respond to the cultural and value gaps of our country.
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