Defining the relation between seclusion and social sustainability goals in contemporary housing (Case study of Low-rise residential apartments in Tehran)
Subject Areas :Azadeh Rezaei 1 , Mohammadreza Pourzargar 2 * , Vahid Shali Amini 3
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture, faculty of Architecture and urban planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Architecture, faculty of Architecture and urban planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran. (Corresponding Author)
3 - Assistant Professor and Faculty Member, Department of Architecture, faculty of Architecture and urban planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran.
Keywords: seclusion, Social sustainability, Low-rise Residential Apartment, Personal Privacy,
Abstract :
Nowadays, due to the ever-increasing population growth, rising land prices, increase in construction and sales, and other economic restrictions for the residents of residential buildings in metropolises, especially in short-rise residential apartments with low square meters, the quality of life has declined. solitude (individual and collective) and privacy of the residents is not given attention. In fact, this shows the lack of attention of architects and urban planners to social challenges and issues and the need to realize sustainable housing (especially from the social aspect) in order to promote the privacy of the residents of residential buildings and increase the mental-psychological peace and finally improve the satisfaction of the people of the society. Therefore the main goal of this research is to explain the necessity and principles of seclusion in order to achieve the dimensions of social sustainability in low-rise residential apartments in Tehran. Also, this research seeks to answer these questions: What is the relationship between the components of realizing privacy and social sustainability in contemporary housing? And what are the internal and external factors affecting the realization of social sustainability and the improvement of the quality of solitude in the samples studied in the research? The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical and survey methodology. The method of data collection was based on library-documentary and survey data. The method of data analysis is using T-Test, Friedman, factor analysis and structural equation modeling method. In this part of the research, smartpls3 and spss20 software are used. Using the Friedman test, the priority of participation, security, and quality items were reported in the order of importance; Based on this, the importance of the item "increase and diversity of collective spaces" from the dimension of "participation" as the first rank, the item of "compliance with proportions and scales" from the dimension of "security" as the first rank and finally the item of "existence of furniture and flexible spaces" from Then "quality" took the title of first place. The research results indicate that the three dimensions of “participation”, “security” and “quality” have different effect on the solitude realization in contemporary housing to improve the social sustainability quality. The dimension of "participation" plays the most impact from the perspective of how the residents seek seclusion and realize it in housing in order to promote social sustainability in contemporary housing interior. In the continuation of the dimensions of "Security" and "Quality", respectively, after the dimension of "participation", has the greatest impact on the seclusion of the low-rise residential residents. Finally, in this research, it was suggested that in the design of residential spaces for the purpose of seclusion, attention should first be paid to the socio-cultural, religious and behavioral priorities of the residents, and then use the physical strategies and its indicators. However, considering that the general research related to seclusion is focused on physical and functional strategies and less attention has been paid to socio-cultural criteria, it is suggested that more research be done in this area in order to realize seclusion in terms of cultural criteria and be done religiously