Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Trajectory Tracking of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Saeed Nakhkoob
Abbas Chatraei
Khoshnam Shojaei
1 - MSc /Islamic Azad University of Najaf abad
2 - Assistant Professor /Islamic Azad University of Najaf abad
3 - Assistant Professor /Islamic Azad University of Najaf abad
Keywords: Adaptive control, fuzzy approximation, Autonomous underwater vehicles, nonlinear control,
Abstract :
In this paper, the problem of the position and attitude tracking of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in the horizontal plane, under the presence of ocean current disturbances is discussed. The effect of the gradual variation of the parameters is taken into account. The effectiveness of the adaptive controller is compared with a feedback linearization method and fuzzy gain control approach. The proposed strategy has been tested through simulations. Also, the performance of the propos-ed method is compared with other strategies given in some other studies. The boundedness and asymptotic converge-nce properties of the control algorithm and its semi-global stability are analytically proven using Lyapunov stability theory and Barbalat’s lemma.
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