Adaptive Fault Compensation Approach for Uncertain Multi Agent Systems
Subject Areas : Renewable energy
Shohre Sharifian
Mahnaz Hashemi
1 - MSc - Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor- Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Uncertainty, Adaptive controller, Fault Compensation Controller, Nonlinear Multi Agent System, Directed Graph,
Abstract :
In this paper, the compensation controller approach is investigated for uncertain nonlinear multi agent systems. The dynamics of each of the agents includes uncertainties. Meanwhile, the exchange of the information between the agents is done under directed and fixed graphs. In this design, nonlinear control method is used to design nonlinear backstepping controller. The systems uncertainties are approximated by using the adaptive control method. To overcome the unpredictable effects of faults occurrence in the considered system actuators, Defective adaptive compensation method is used without any knowing about the fault time, fault type and fault structure. Finally, with the introduction of the new Lyapunov functions and by using the graph theory, the stability of the closed loop system is proved. By presenting a simulated example, the efficiency of the control view presented for nonlinear multi agent systems is shown in the presence of unknown faults in actuators and unknown external disturbances.
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