Determination of Optimal Battery Capacity in Economic Operation of Micro Grid by Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Subject Areas : Renewable energySana Ansari 1 * , Sirus Mohammadi 2
1 - Department of electrical engineering, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas , Iran
2 - Department of electrical engineering , Gachsaran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gachsaran , Iran
Keywords: Economic dispatch, Photovoltaic system, Cuckoo search algorithm, Micro grid, energy storage system,
Abstract :
The current demand in the power system has led to increased usage of the Distributed Generation (DG) and renewable resources. The renewable resources can efficiently supply the loads in the micro grids. The output power generation of renewable energy resources is unpredictable. Hence, in this paper the optimal generation dispatch of the DGs in micro grids in both grid-connected and islanded modes is determined. Since the operation of the micro grid in presence of DGs and various constraints is a complicated optimization problem, in this paper a meta-heuristic Cuckoo search (CS) algorithm with high convergence speed is used. In order to reduce the uncertainty of the output power of photovoltaic system the energy storage system is implemented and the optimal capacity of the storage is determined based on operation conditions. The proposed algorithm for determining the optimal capacity of the battery in a sample micro grid is applied. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method for determining the optimal dispatch of the DGs and capacity of the energy storage system.
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