Develop a causal model of self-handicapping syndrome based on negative self-assessment, intolerance of ambiguity, and cognitive avoidance with the mediating role of academic procrastination
Subject Areas : روان درمانگری
1 - department of psychology- university of maragheh
Keywords: self-handicapping, Academic Procrastination, Cognitive avoidance, intolerance of ambiguity, negative self-assessment,
Abstract :
This study aimed to compile the causal model of self-handicapping syndrome based on negative self-assessment, intolerance of am- biguity, and cognitive avoidance with the mediating role of academic procrastination. The research method was a correlation and structural equation model. The statistical population of this study consisted of all students at the Islamic Azad University of Maragheh in the number of 700 students in the academic year 2019-2020. From the mentioned population, 248 people were selected as a sample by multi- stage cluster sampling method. These number of people answered the Self-Handicapping Questionnaire (Midgley & Urdan, 2001), the Negative Self-Evaluation Questionnaire (Leary, 1983), the Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (McLean, 1993), the Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire (Sexton & Dugas, 2008), and the Academic Procrastination Questionnaire (Solomon & Rothbhum, (1984). Path analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to answer the research hypotheses. In addition, the mediating role of academic procrastination between self-disability, negative self-as- sessment, ambiguity intolerance, and cognitive avoidance was confirmed (P<0.05). Therefore, intolerance of ambiguity, negative self-assessment, and cognitive avoidance through academic procrastination affect students’ self-handicapping.
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