The Self-Handicapping Based on Family Processes: The Mediational Effect of Academic Self-Efficacy
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولیMina Mahbod 1 , Razieh Sheikholeslami 2 *
1 - دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه شیراز
2 - دانشیار دانشگاه شیراز
Keywords: academic self-efficacy, family processes, self-handicapping,
Abstract :
The present study examined the relations among family processes, academic self-efficacy, and self-handicapping. Three hundred and thirty five students (208 females,127 males) were selected by multistage random cluster sampling from Shiraz University. The participants completed the Adolescent Family Process Measure (Ozdemir, Vazsonyi & Cok, 2013), the Academic Self-efficacy Scale (Greene el al., 2004), and the Self-handicapping Scale (Jones & Rhodewalt, 1979). The results of simultaneous regression analysis indicated that a) dimensions of family processes (closeness and peer approval) predicted self-handicapping negatively, b) dimensions of family processes (closeness and peer approval) predicted self-efficacy positively, c) self-efficacy predicted self-handicapping negatively. The findings suggested that academic self-efficacy could be regarded as a mediator between family processes (closeness and peer approval) and self-handicapping.
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