The Prediction of Family Function According to Ego Strengths and Identity status of Couples
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Sepideh Estiri
Masoud Janbozorgi
Javad Khodadadi Sangdeh
1 - MA in Family Therapy,
University of Knowledge and Culture
2 - PhD
Faculty Research Institute and University
3 - PhD
Kharazmi University,
Keywords: Couples, Identity, ego strength, family function, McMaster Model,
Abstract :
This study aimed to predict family function according to ego strengths and identity status of couples. The research method was correlational and, 229 married females in Tehran were selected by convenience sampling method. Participants completed the McMaster Family Assessment Device (Epstein, Baldwin & Bishop, 1983), Psychological Inventory of Ego Strength (Markstrom, Sabino, Turne & Berman, 1997), and Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status-2 (Bennion &Adams, 1986). Data were analyzed by multiple regression. The findings showed that components of ego strengths such as competence, will, hope, and fidelity and identification styles such as advanced and early can predict the family function. The findings indicated the effectiveness of the first family institution on how growth and enhancement of the personality and the identification way of members can be considered important for achieving the proper function of the second family.
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