Qualitative Analysis of the Factors Affecting Self-Esteem of Iranian Children
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Fatemeh Ebrahimi
Kazem Rasoulzadeh Tabatabai
Saeed Ghanbari
Karineh Tahasian
1 - PhD candidate in psychology
Trabiat Modares University
2 - PhD
Tarbiat Modares University
3 - PhD
Shahid Beheshti University
4 - PhD
Shahid Beheshti University
Keywords: Qualitative analysis, self-esteem, middle childhood,
Abstract :
This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting self-esteem of Iranian children. To achieve this goal, two sample groups were used, which included child psychologists and parents. The two groups were interviewed in a semi-structured interview and, after writing these interviews, open codes, classes and themes were extracted using qualitative content analysis method. Finally, in order to measure the Data strength, their content validity was calculated by Delphi method and CVR rate was obtained for each class. The results showed that the factors affecting children's self-esteem fall into three themes: Self-inheritance, relationship inheritance and system inheritance. Self-inheritance refers to personality and temperament factors, relationship means the dimensions of the child's parental relationship, and the system refers to environmental factors that include the child's system. All classes of these three themes, except for the class of accompanying disorders, in the theme of self-inheritance, were able to obtain at least the Minimum content validity. Understanding the factors affecting childs self-esteem can enable more effective intervention on this transdiagnosticstructure and improve children's mental health.
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