Psychometric Properties of the Self-Esteem Contingency Questionnaire for Adolescents
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Sohrab Amiri
Amir Ghasemi Navab
Yuosef Jamali
1 - PhD in Cognitive Psychology
2 - MA in Psychology
3 - MA in Counseling
Keywords: Reliability, factor analysis, validity, Keywords: self-esteem, ccontingency self-worth, Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, reliability Keywords: self-esteem,
Abstract :
This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties the Self-esteem Contingency Questionnaire for Adolescents (SCQA; Wouters, & et al., 2016 ) among student population. Two hundred and eighty six students were selected by using multi-stage cluster sampling. The participants completed the SCQA, the Conditional Self-Worth Scale (Croker, & et al., 2003) and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (Frost, et al., 1990). The validity of the SCQA was assessed by Cronbach's alpha, test-retest and splitting methods. The criterion validity of the SCQA was assessed using the Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. The results indicated that the discriminant and convergent validity of the SCQA were desirable and the stability of the SCQA. The factor structure of the was assessed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the factor analysis indicated that the Self-esteem Contingency Questionnaire for Adolescents (SCQA) had eight factors. Overall, the findings suggests that the Self-esteem Contingency Questionnaire for Adolescents has a good psychometric properties in a sample of Iranian Adolescent Students and can be used in the Iranian culture -related studies
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