The Modeling of Internet Addiction Based on Identity Styles: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia
Subject Areas : Clinical psychology
Hossein Ali Ghanadzadegan
Mahdiye Salehi
Roya Kochakentezar
Mozhgan sepahmansor
1 - PhD Candidate
Islamic Azad University
Central Tehran Branch
2 - PhD Islamic Azad University
Central Tehran Branch
3 - , PhD
Islamic Azad University
Central Tehran Branch
4 - PhD Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: alexithymia, Identity styles, Keywords: internet addiction,
Abstract :
The study aimed to investigate the internet addiction model based on identity styles and mediating role of alexithymia in students. This research was a correlational research based on the structural equation modeling method. The statistical population of this study was all of secondary high school students in Sari. In this study, 361 people were selected by multistage sampling and responded to the Identity Style Scale (Berzonsky,1992), Toronto Alexithymia Scale (Bagby, Taylor & Parker, 1994), and Internet Addiction Scale (Young,1998). The findings showed good model fit and 41% of Internet addiction variance were explained by identity styles and alexithymia. The results of this study highlights the importance of the role of identity as well as the mediating role of alexithymia on students' extreme internet tendencies and has implications for improving mental health.
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