The Effectiveness of Facial Expressions of the Basic Emotions Training on Early Conduct Disorder
Subject Areas : Clinical psychologyAbolghasem Farzaneh 1 , Hamid Alizadeh 2 * , Farangis Kazemi 3
1 - MA in Exceptional Children’s Psychology
Allameh Tabatabai University
2 - PhD
Allameh Tabatabai University
3 - ,PhD
Allameh Tabatabai University
Keywords: basic emotions, early conduct disorder, facial expressions training,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of training of basic emotions’ facial expression on decreasing symptoms of early conduct disorder. The study method was semi-experimental and pre-test- post-test design with one group.The statistical population included all elementary students with early conduct disorder in Tehran. After screening at school, seventeen students were selected using purposive sampling method andby conduct disorder’s criteria in Achenbach test. The training included ten 30-minute sessions.Achenbachtest was used by the teachers in 2 pre-test post-test phases to assess conduct disorder. Magic faces was also used for training facial emotional expressions. In order to analyzing data, dependent t- Test was used. Accordingly, the results showed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test, and the symptoms of behavioral disorder were significantly reduced by this training. Based on these findings it seems that the training can increase children’s ability to recognize facial emotions and intentions of people and as a result decreases the symptoms of conduct disorder.
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