Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based Model and Sensory Processing Styles of Preschool Children
Subject Areas : Clinical psychology
Saeedeh Toufani Asl
Seyed Amir Aminyazdi
Hossein Kareshki
1 - MA in Educational Psychology
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2 - PhD
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - PhD
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: Developmental, individual differences, relationship-based model, sensory processing,
Abstract :
This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between Developmental, Individual-difference, relationship-based model, and sensory processing patterns of preschools. The research design was descriptive-correlational. 300 participants were selected by convenience method from kindergartens of 10 and 11 urban areas of Mashhad and Social-Emotional Scale (Greenspan, 2007) and a Sensory Profile of Dunn Questionnaire (Vein Dunn, 1999) were used for scaling developmental individual relationship model and sensory profile of Dun. Results showed that significant relationship between DIR modeland sensory processing types. (P<0.01). 0.8 percent of DIR variance could be predicted by sensory profile. Among four sensory types (Low sensory registration, Avoiding sensory, Sensitive sensory, and Seeking sensory), Low sensory registration type was significant. Also For each participant, there was at least one dominant sensory processing type. In addition, results showed that Comparing scale of four sensory types and weakness or strength of each sensory types could predict behavior of children in different situations. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Awareness of dominant sensory processing type in preschools, could lead parents and teachers design more sufficient learning and adaptations interventions for behavioral problems.
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