Construction and Validation of the Women's Psychological Well-Being Scale
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Maryam Kadkhodaee
Parviz Azadfallah
Hojatolah Farahani
1 - PhD Candidate
Tarbiat Modares University
2 - PhD
Tarbiat Modares University
3 - PhD
Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: psychological well-being, women- culture- validation,
Abstract :
This study aimed to construct and validate the Women's Psychological Well-being Scale. The statistical population included women aged 20 to 35 years old in Tehran. After formulating the questionnaires and examining the face and content validity of the items and factors, the data were collected from a sample of 500 women. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis of 74 items showed seven factors: comfort and security in relationships, growth, purposefulness,competency, control and mastery, caring oneself, and autonomy. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the total scale was 0.92. Also the Composite Reliability coefficient was 0.96. The test re-test reliability coefficient was 0.87 and the convergent validity of the test with the Ryff Psychological well-being Scale (RSPWB) was 0.82. This is the first scale of women's psychological well-being that has been built and validated based on Iranian culture. It provides a reliable tool to highlight the different aspects of psychological well-being in women.
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