The Effectiveness of the Positive Youth Development Education Program on the Positive Development Indicators among Adolescents
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولیNahid Hosseinabad 1 , Mahmoud Najafi 2 * , Ali Mohammad Rezaei 3
1 - PhD Candidate in Psychology
Semnan University
2 - PhD
Semnan University
3 - PhD
Semnan University
Keywords: adolescents, Positive Psychology, positive youth development program, positive development indicators,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of positive youth development program on positive development indicators among adolescents. In this quasi- experimental study with pretest-posttest, control-group design and follow up stage, 48 girl students were selected through multi stage random sampling and divided into experimental group (23 students) and control group (25 students) from ninth grade in state high schools of Arak city in 2017- 2018 academic year. Experimental group received positive youth development program in 24 one- hour sessions. Therefore, the both groups completed Positive Youth Development Questionnaire (Arnold, Nott & Meinhold, 2012) before, after and two months after program performance (follow up). The result of analysis of multivariate covariance indicated that positive youth program affects development indicators (competence, confidence, connection, character, care and contribution) positively. The findings suggest that positive youth development program is an appropriate practical plan for enhancing the positive development indicators and adolescents’ entrance to ideal adulthood.
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