Assess and Prioritizing Affecting Factors on Quality of Education in E-learning Environments Using Analytical Hierarchy Process Method
Subject Areas : Educational PsychologyAkbar Rezazadeh 1 * , Seyyed Davoud Hoseininasab 2 , Mohammadreza Sarmadi 3 , Mehran Farjollahi 4
1 - School counselor
Of Education
2 - استاد گروه روانشناسی، واحد تبریز، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، تبریز، ایران
3 - Tabriz
4 - Iran
Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), e-learning, Instruction Quality, Quality criteria,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to evaluate and prioritize the different dimension of e-learning and criteria associated with them, using the analytic hierarchy process. To achieve this goal, library method and a description research method was used. The statistical population of the study consisted of all references related to models, frameworks, standards related to the quality of web-based education and internal and external experiences. In addition, all scholars, experts, and specialists in e-learning centers and virtual universities in the country including the study population and members of the sample with respect to the objectives and research questions were selected of them purposefully. The tools data collection were questionnaire-made that its validity and reliability have been confirmed. Factors affecting the quality of education in electronic learning environments of the research literature identified and techniques AHP was used to prioritize them. Analysis of data using software export Choice showed that the share of institutional and managerial factors pedagogical and instructional design; technological factors; factors providing education and factors associated with support services in the quality of education in E-learning environments, respectively 26%; 24%; 20%; 18% and 12% were evaluated
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Mahjob Eshrat Abadi, Hassan., & Kharoon, Davood. (2014). assessing criteria Evaluation for the quality of e-learning in higher education and provide a framework for its evaluation. 1th Conference National on Quality Assessment of University Systems. Tehran , Sharif University of Technology. May17-18 [In Persian].
Malone, T W. (1981). Toward a theory of intrinsically motivating instruction. Cognitive Science, 5(4), 333-369.
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Samadi, Vahid. (2011). Evaluating the quality of student support services in the e-learning system. The 5th Conference on evaluating the quality in the University Systems.University of Tehran, College of Engineering [In Persian].available: QAUS05_014.html
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Taghizadeh, M. E. (2014). New approaches and methods in teaching and learning. lesson booklet of Theory and teaching method, Educational Psychology discipline. Payam Noor university. p:61 [In Persian].
Taghi Yare, F. & Siadati, M. (2007). Selection criteria for content authoring tools in e-learning. Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education.13(1), 75-89 [In Persian].
Vedadi, Ahmad., Tahmasebi, Reza., & Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad Mehdi. (2009). Visionary Leadership: Importance of organizational vision. Management of Organizational Culture.7(20), 139-169 [In Persian].
Yang, Jack Fei. (2005). The Challenges of Asian Distance Educational Development. AAOU Journal, 1(1), 73-82.
Zarif Sanaee, Nahid. (2010). Assessing the criteria for the quality and effectiveness of e-Learning in higher education. Media (Journal of Electronic Learning), Volume 1(3), 24-32 [In Persian].
_||_Azimi, Seyed Amin., & Moshtaghi, Saeed. (2009). Designing a web-based curriculum based on a modular approach.the second e-learning conference. Tehran [In Persian].
Available from:
Abu-Sarhan, Zahi. (2011). Application Of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) In The Evaluation and Selection Of an Information System Reengineering Projects. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer, Science and Network Security, 11(1), 172-177.
Bazargan, A. (2008). The role of learning measurement in e-learning. Quality In: Third Electronic Learning Conference, Tehran, Khajeh Nasir Toosi University, June 24-2 [In Persian].
Bhuasiri, W., Xaymoungkhoun, O., Zo, H., Rho, J.J. & Ciganek, A.P. (2012). Critical Success Factors for E- Learning in Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis between ICT Experts and Faculty. Computers & Education, 58(2), 843-855.
Belawati, Tian, & Zuhairi, Amin. (2007). The Practice of a Quality Assurance System in Open and Distance Learning: A case study at Universitas Terbuka Indonesia (The Indonesia Open University). The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 8(1). available from:
Chao, Tracy., Saj, Tami., & Tessier, Felicity. (2006). Establishing a Quality Review for Online Courses: A formal review of online courses measures their qualities in key areas and reveals changes needed for improvement, ifany. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 3, 32–39.
Carchiolo, V., Longheu, A., Malgeri, M. & Mangioni, G. (2003). Course Personalization in E-learning Environment; Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’03), 252-253.
Govindasamy, T. (2002). Successful Implementation of E-learning Pedagogical Considerations, The Internet and Higher Education, 4, 287-299.
Islam, R. (2007). MBNQA criteria in education: assigning weights from a Malaysian perspective and proposition for an alternative evaluation scheme. International Transactions in Operational Research, 14, 373- 394.
Jung, Insung. (2011). The dimensions of e-learning quality: from The Learner’s Perspective. Educational Technology Research and Development,59(4), 445-464.
Jung, Insung.,Wong,Tat Meng.,Li,Chen.,Baigaltugs,Sanjaa., &Belawati,Tian. (2011). Quality Assurance in Asian Distance Education: Diverse Approaches and Common Culture. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(6), 63-83.
Kear, Karen., Williams, Keith., & Rosewell, Jonathan. (2014). Excellence in e-learning: a quality en-hancement approach. In: EFQUEL Innovation Forum / LINQ Conference 2014: Changing the Trajectory Quality for Opening up Education, 7-9.
Kiarazm, A., Koohkan, F. (2013). Prioritizing Effective TQM Values on Financial Performance by Using AHP. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 3(4), 197-202 [In Persian].
Lanzilotti, R., Ardito, C., & Costabile, M. F., & De Angeli, A. (2006). eLSE Methodology: A Systematic Approach to the e-Learning Systems Evaluation. Educational Technology & Society, 9 (4), 42-53.
Mahjob Eshrat Abadi, Hassan., & Kharoon, Davood. (2014). assessing criteria Evaluation for the quality of e-learning in higher education and provide a framework for its evaluation. 1th Conference National on Quality Assessment of University Systems. Tehran , Sharif University of Technology. May17-18 [In Persian].
Malone, T W. (1981). Toward a theory of intrinsically motivating instruction. Cognitive Science, 5(4), 333-369.
McCarty, S. (2007). Theorizing and realizing the global classroom. In A. Edmunson (Ed.), Globalized e-learning cultural challenge, 90-115.
Mahdiyon, R., Gahremani, M., Farastakhah., M., & Hosseini Shavon, A. (2012). The dimensions and components of the quality assurance of e-learning in higher education and the presentation of a conceptual model for it. The 6th National and 3rd International Conference on E-Learning and E-Teaching.E-learning.Center University of Tehran. February 14-15 [In Persian]. available:
Masoumi, D., & Lindstrom, B. (2009). Foundations of cultural design in e-learning. Internet and Enterprise Management, 6 (2), 91- 99.
Pedram, H., Karimzadegan Moghaddam, D., Asheghi, Zh. (2010). Application of ISO 9126 Standard for Evaluating the Quality of Electronic Learning Systems in Iran (Case Study: Virtual Training System of Amir Kabir University of Technology). Iranian Journal of Information Processing Management (Information Sciences and Technology), 27(2), 497-517 [In Persian].
Rashid, Majed., & Iqbal. Jawad. (2010). Developing the strategy for quality assurance of open and distance learning in pakistan: the higher education perspective. 3rd International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Lahore-Pakistan. December 6 – 8.
Rovinskyi, D., & Synytsya, K. (2004). Distance courses quality: A learner's view. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, London, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineer.
Samadi, Vahid. (2011). Evaluating the quality of student support services in the e-learning system. The 5th Conference on evaluating the quality in the University Systems.University of Tehran, College of Engineering [In Persian].available: QAUS05_014.html
Seraji, Farhad. (2011). Provide a framework for evaluating the quality of education in electronic universities. The 5th Conference on evaluating the quality in the University System. University of Tehran, College of Engineering [In Persian].available:
Shelton, Kaye. (2011). A Review of Paradigms for Evaluating the Quality of Online Education Programs. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume 4(1). Available at: ojdla/spring141/shelton141.html. The Institute for Higher Education Policy. (2000). Quality ON the Line, Benchmarks for Success in Internet-based Distance Education, Washington DC: IHEP, 2000.
Taghizadeh, M. E. (2014). New approaches and methods in teaching and learning. lesson booklet of Theory and teaching method, Educational Psychology discipline. Payam Noor university. p:61 [In Persian].
Taghi Yare, F. & Siadati, M. (2007). Selection criteria for content authoring tools in e-learning. Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education.13(1), 75-89 [In Persian].
Vedadi, Ahmad., Tahmasebi, Reza., & Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad Mehdi. (2009). Visionary Leadership: Importance of organizational vision. Management of Organizational Culture.7(20), 139-169 [In Persian].
Yang, Jack Fei. (2005). The Challenges of Asian Distance Educational Development. AAOU Journal, 1(1), 73-82.
Zarif Sanaee, Nahid. (2010). Assessing the criteria for the quality and effectiveness of e-Learning in higher education. Media (Journal of Electronic Learning), Volume 1(3), 24-32 [In Persian].