An analysis of the status of precedence over necessity in the execution of contracts in Iranian law and Islamic jurisprudence
Subject Areas :
abdolkarim golgoun
هرمز اسدی کوه باد
Mohammad rasoul Ahangaran
1 - PhD, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Law, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran (corresponding author)*
3 - University of Tehran/Farabi School
Keywords: jurisprudence, civil law, the principle of necessity, contract, the rule of necessity,
Abstract :
The principle of necessity in contracts means that people adhere to their obligations and agreements and consider them to be respectable and enforceable. The legislator has also introduced these common principles and rules under the title of "General Rules of Contracts" and reviewed them. The first principle that the legislator has addressed in these materials is the principle of necessity, which is interpreted as "asala allozoom" in jurisprudence. Despite the statement of the legislator and also the contract parties regarding adherence to the contract, sometimes this adherence to the provisions of the contract causes some or all of the contract parties to suffer severe problems or bear unusual losses, in such a way that the implementation The contract is impossible for the person or incurs irreparable damage. It is in this case that there is a conflict between the principle of necessity and the circumstances of the accident, which is the rule of lahraj. In this research, which is analytical and descriptive, in this particular situation, which principle and rule has the right of priority is examined, and presenting the rule based on multiple principles is introduced as the achievement of the research. On the one hand, in the reconciliation of the jurisprudence between Imamiyyah and Sunni jurisprudence, the difference between some Sunnis and Imamiyyah includes the absence of the rule of the principle of necessity on the Ma'atati contract, and on the other hand, the opposite of this opinion, the lack of rule of necessity on the principle of necessity up to the point of not having the effect of the right resulting from termination in Majlis and... are essential for the government.
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