Development of rural entrepreneurship model by studying the mediating role of rural empowerment based on investment approach
Subject Areas : Journal of Investment Knowledge
shahnam zandieh
Asghar Sarafizadeh Ghazvini
akbar alem-tabriz
Kamal Sakhdari
1 - PhD student, Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran,
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management, Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Teharn, Iran
3 - Professor of Industrial Management, Faculty of Acounting and Management, ShahidBeheshti University, Tehran, Iran,
4 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran,
Keywords: Cognitive Empowerment, Maximum Rural Entrepreneurship Development, Rural Investment, Psychological empowerment, Rural Entrepreneurship Development Ecosystem,
Abstract :
According to the principles of sustainable development, one of the important dimensions of rural sustainable development theories is economic development alongside and overlapping with social and ecological development based on investment approaches. In this study, with the aim of developing rural entrepreneurship, an attempt was made to answer the question "how to improve the performance of the ecosystem and the development of entrepreneurship in rural Iran by studying the mediating role of rural empowerment." It should be noted that this research is applied in terms of purpose Which has been done with a quantitative method of structural equation modeling strategy by partial least squares method with PLS approach. The results show that two currents of cognitive empowerment can lead to the development of rural entrepreneurship. Based on the research findings, several practical suggestions, including raising awareness about empowerment components at three levels of individual, group and enterprise, were presented to rural businesses.
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