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        1 - The Jurisprudential Study of the Publication of Oblique Newspapers
        Ehsan Ghobad
        Journalism as suitable context for reinforcement of freedom of speech has restrictions that are accepted by every legal systems including Shiite jurisprudence. One of these restrictions from Shiite point of view is the prohibition of spreading oblique writings in forms More
        Journalism as suitable context for reinforcement of freedom of speech has restrictions that are accepted by every legal systems including Shiite jurisprudence. One of these restrictions from Shiite point of view is the prohibition of spreading oblique writings in forms of impure and immoral writings and the prohibition of propagation in favor of the opponents of the Islamic state and also the prohibition of casting doubts on the fundamental principles and necessities of the Islamic religion. The inexistence of special texts proving the prohibition of spreading oblique issues and the use of generalities, also differences in the definitions of obliquity and methods of dealing with oblique writings, has set the stage for disagreements in religious decrees (Fatwas). In this article by critical and analytical method we come to this conclusion that aforementioned disagreements notwithstanding, the press has no right to publish oblique writings by excuses such as "uselessness of the publication ban", "stage-setting for the freedom of choice", "freedom of questioning and doubting", "free distribution of information", and "freedom of political activity". Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Evaluating the Legitimacy of Researching the Unobligatory Fatwas with the Analysis of Selection Issue in Taqlid
        Ehsan Ghobad
        Researching the unobligatory fatwas which can be found/accessed under the topic of ‘selection’ in Imamite jurisprudence and ‘combination’ in Sunni jurisprudence, is an approach in performing fatwas that allows followers to take the easiest fatwa More
        Researching the unobligatory fatwas which can be found/accessed under the topic of ‘selection’ in Imamite jurisprudence and ‘combination’ in Sunni jurisprudence, is an approach in performing fatwas that allows followers to take the easiest fatwa from among existing fatwas in different issues. Proving the legitimacy of this approach in Imamite jurisprudence is dependent upon proving the unobligatoriness of imitation/taqlid from the more knowledgeable mujtahid and also the permissibility of selection in imitation/taqlid. The analytical and critical study of the written documents shows that firstly, the posed reasons on the obligatoriness of imitation/taqlid from the more knowledgeable authority (i.e., consensus, the manner/method of the wise, closeness of the more knowledgeable mujtahid’fatwas to reality, collection of traditions and providing reasons to the legitimacy of taqlid) do not have the capacity to prove its sought-after but reasons including the permissibility of taqlid from less knowledgeable mujtahid (i.e., verses of Quran and traditions, the method of the faithful/pious, the difficulty of taqlid from more knowledgeable mujtahid and traditions) can altogether prove their point and secondly, the correct opinion in different forms of selection is its permissibility in its absolute form. Therefore, performing fatwas relying on the approach of unobligatory fatwas is not juridically prohibited. unobligatory fatwa, researching the unobligatory fatwas, more knowledgeable authority, selection in imitation/taqlid, legitimacy of researching the unobligatory fatwas. Manuscript profile