Publication of the Trial Process in Iranian Criminal Law: Fundamentals and Challenges
Subject Areas : All jurisprudential issuesRahmatollah Nasirpour Shahreza 1 , Mehdi Shaidaian 2 * , Zeinab Shaidaian 3
1 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 -
3 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Public hearing, secrecy, publication of proceedings, human dignity, public interest,
Abstract :
Today, from the perspective of the international community, the openness of criminal trials is considered one of the criteria for measuring compliance with human rights in the world. In addition to increasing public trust in the judiciary, the openness of the trial process also has educational functions and, more importantly, plays a special role in deterring crime in society. On the other hand, the rights of the accused or accused, in light of the transparency of events and the confrontation of the parties to the lawsuit and judicial feedback in terms of the judgment of public conscience, are more and more respected than ever before. The decline of the criminal justice system, the negative impact on the trial process, the violation of confidentiality, anxiety and instability in the psychological security of society, and the desecration of the dignity-based principles governing criminal proceedings are among the serious concerns of opponents of openness and supporters of secrecy. The publication of the trial proceedings, as a model of anonymous borderlessness of publicness, has broken the bonds of physical walls and fences and, in the age of technology and cyberspace, has provided a court that spans the entire world and a trial in the view of billions of people with astonishing scope and speed. The publication of the trial proceedings under special measures and in the shadow of the balance of "preserving the human dignity of the accused" and "preserving the public interest" can leave the fairness of the criminal trial to the public's judgment! This article, using an analytical-descriptive method, seeks to critically examine this challenging issue with the help of the viewpoints of supporters and opponents, and by resorting to the legislative perspective of the country.
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*کتب قوانین
قانون آیین دادرسی کیفری مصوب 1392
قانون مجازات اسلامی بخش تعزیرات مصوب ۱۳۷۵
قانون مجازات اسلامی مصوب 1392
قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
ميثاق بين¬المللي حقوق مدني و سياسي
اعلاميه جهاني حقوق بشر
اساسنامه ديوان كيفري بين المللي
كنوانسيون آمريكايي حقوق بشر
كنوانسيون اروپايي حقوق بشر
قـانون آيـين دادرسـي دادگـاه هـاي عمـومي و انقلاب در امور كيفري مصوب 1378