Identification of Export Financing Dimensions for Technical and Engineering Services in the Field of Transport Infrastructure under the Buyer’s Credit Scheme
Subject Areas : Research & Developmentzeinab naserizaker 1 , karamollah Daneshfard 2 * , Seyed Yaghoub Zeraatkish 3
1 - Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Export Financing , Technical and Engineering Services , Buyer’s Credit Scheme , Transportation Infrastructure,
Abstract :
Export financing for technical and engineering services in infrastructure projects, including transportation infrastructure development projects, has gained attention from export policy-makers in recent years. One of the financing tools in this domain is the buyer's credit scheme. Buyer's credit refers to facilities granted to foreign employers for the procurement of technical and engineering services from Iranian contractors for infrastructure projects. This mechanism enhances the competitive power of Iranian contractors in international markets. However, due to the novelty of this tool in Iran and the lack of a thorough understanding of its dimensions, the scheme has not fully achieved its objectives and has resulted in the waste of the country’s foreign exchange resources. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the dimensions of financing the export of transportation infrastructure projects using the buyer's credit scheme to provide better insights for policy-makers and practitioners, thereby ensuring greater success in implementing this plan.This research adopts a mixed-methods approach. In the qualitative phase, interviews were conducted with 11 experts and executive managers. Using thematic analysis, data were coded and analyzed with the MAXQDA software, leading to the identification of 23 initial themes, 11 organizing themes, and 5 global themes. A thematic network was extracted in the form of a model. In the quantitative phase, the extracted model was evaluated and validated using structural equation modeling tests and SmartPLS software.
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