Strategic Management of the Innovative Activity of the Enterprise
Subject Areas : Design of Experiment
Zalutska Khrystyna
Petrushka Kateryna
Myshchyshyn Olha
Danylovych Olena
1 - Department of Business Economics and Investment, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
2 - Department of Chemical Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
3 - Department of Business Economics and Investment, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
4 - Department of Business Economics and Investment, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Keywords: Balance, strategic management, Directions of activity, Innovative activity, Integrated systems, Models of the management decisions making, Stages,
Abstract :
Effective innovative activity of enterprises with the dynamic economic development is possible under the conditions of timely implementation of innovative projects that satisfy and meet the requirements of the external and internal environment and contribute to building up their own potential with the orientation of the enterprise activity on the long-term prospect of development. This contributes to higher importance and role of strategic management of innovation activity of domestic enterprises. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to provide methodological and practical recommendations for the development and implementation of the strategic management system of innovative activity of the enterprise. in order to achieve this goal, the stages of the strategic management process have been specified, which are grouped into three stages: preparation for strategic management; ensuring the strategic management process; control over strategy implementation. The relationships between the stages have been described, as well as the components, the features of the activities and the sequence of actions for each of the stages. The researches were carried out using the following methods: analysis; modeling; empirical research; systematic approach; generalization. The effectiveness of the proposed recommendations for the formation and use of strategic management of innovation activities has been confirmed by the activity results of the enterprises (Horodok Mechanical Plant PJSC, Ozon LLC, Zakhar Berkut Ski Resort), which provided a sustainable long-term competitive position in the market at the expense of the timely and correct identification of emerging strategic problems at the early stages of innovation activity.
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