Customer Online Shopping Experience of Health Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Interpretive Phenomenology
Subject Areas : Health Management Serviceselnaz pahlevani 1 , rouhollah zaboli 2 *
1 - PhD Candidate, Department of Business Management, Research Sciences Branch, Faculty of Economics and Management, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Prof., Department of Health Services Management, Faculty of Health, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Interpretive Phenomenology, online shopping, Health services, Covid-19,
Abstract :
Introduction: E-health is the cost-effective and secure use of information and communication technologies to support health .The study aimed to explain the customer's online shopping experience of health services during the Covid-19. Methods: This study was a qualitative research that was performed by interpretive phenomenology. Participants in the study were individuals who had experience purchasing health services online. Sample selection was done purposefully by available sampling method. Data collection method was in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The data analysis were performed based on interpretive phenomenological method using Max.QDA software. Continuous comparisons between categories and subcategories, peer and member check, and internal coding agreement were performed. Results: This study showed that 10 general themes and 37 subcategories on customer online shopping experience of health services during the covid-19 pandemic. The main themes were online education and health promotion, development of palliative and supportive care, improvement of home care, e-health literacy, relative satisfaction of service recipients, organization of medical teams, positive attitude and acceptance of online health services, online health services economy, Health anxiety, online advertising and health promotion. Conclusion: Online health services face fewer restrictions on palliative care, home care, and geriatric care. It is suggested to increase the effectiveness of these services by creating a culture and developing e-health literacy, using online marketing techniques in the field of health and concluding a consulting contract with online marketing.
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21- WHO. E-health 2019 [cited 2022 1/22]. Available from:
22- Paul E, Brown GW, Ridde V. COVID-19: time for paradigm shift in the nexus between local, national and global health. BMJ global health, 2020; 5(4): e002622.
23- Rosen CB, Joffe S, Kelz RR. COVID-19 moves medicine into a virtual space: a paradigm shift from touch to talk to establish trust. Annals of surgery, 2020; 272(2): e159.
24- Han AY, Miller JE, Long JL, St John MA. Time for a paradigm shift in head and neck cancer management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 2020; 163(3): 447-54.
25- Rampal L, Liew B. Malaysia's third COVID-19 wave-a paradigm shift required. The Medical Journal of Malaysia, 2021; 76(1): 1-4.
26- Sahu KK, Lal A, Mishra AK. Latest updates on COVID‐2019: A changing paradigm shift. Journal of medical virology; 2020.
27- Monaghesh E, Hajizadeh A. The role of telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak: a systematic review based on current evidence. BMC Public Health, 2020; 20(1): 1-9.
28- Arora T, Grey I. Health behaviour changes during COVID-19 and the potential consequences: A mini-review. Journal of Health Psychology, 2020; 25(9): 1155-63.
29- Zwanka RJ, Buff C. COVID-19 generation: A conceptual framework of the consumer behavioral shifts to be caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 2021; 33(1): 58-67.
30- Kusumasari B, Setianto WA, Pang LL. A study on digital democracy practice: Opportunities and challenges of e-Health implementation in Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, 2018; 22(1): 1.
31- Nasiri M, Vazifedoost H, Nasimi MA, Didekhani H. effective factors on health during online shopping with the approach of customer spurt Corona the cocona. Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 12(39): 37-52 .[persian]
_||_1- Li S. How Does COVID-19 Speed the Digital Transformation of Business Processes and Customer Experiences? Review of Business, 2021; 41(1): 1-14.
2- Fudzi M, Wan FH, Ismail S, Syed SF. Online Shopping Behaviour Attributes During Covid-19 In Malaysia International Conference on Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management,. Feb 28; 2021
3- Yadav J, Misra M, Ranjan A. Online Shopping Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemic: An Indian Perspective. Available at SSRN 3874348; 2021.
4- Andruetto C, Bin E, Susilo Y, Pernestål A. Transition from physical to online shopping alternatives due to the COVID-19 pandemic. arXiv preprint arXiv:210404061; 2021.
5- Becker L, Jaakkola E. Customer experience: fundamental premises and implications for research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2020; 48(4): 630-48.
6- Trevinal AM, Stenger T. Toward a conceptualization of the online shopping experience. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2014; 21(3): 314-26.
7- Bhattacharya A, Srivastava M, Verma S. Customer experience in online shopping: a structural modeling approach. Journal of Global Marketing, 2019; 32(1): 3-16
8- Holmlund M, Van Vaerenbergh Y, Ciuchita R, Ravald A, Sarantopoulos P, Ordenes FV, et al. Customer experience management in the age of big data analytics: A strategic framework. Journal of Business Research, 2020; 116: 356-65.
9- Fortwengel J. Coronavirus: Three ways the crisis may permanently change our lives. The Conversation; 2020.
10- Lee SM, Lee D. Opportunities and challenges for contactless healthcare services in the post-COVID-19 Era. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021; 167: 120712.
11- Marin A. Technology Feature| Telemedicine takes center stage in the era of COVID-19. Science, 2020; 370(6517): 731-3.
12- Global Market Insights, 2020.[cited 2022 1/22]. Available from:
13- Lee D. Effects of key value co-creation elements in the healthcare system: focusing on technology applications. Service Business, 2019; 13(2): 389-417.
14- Sreejesh S, Sarkar JG, Sarkar A. Digital healthcare retail: role of presence in creating patients' experience. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management; 2021.
15- Alanezi F. Factors affecting the adoption of e-health system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Health, 2021; 13(5): 456-70.
16- Zhang X, Guo X, Lai K-h, Yin C, Meng F. From offline healthcare to online health services: The role of offline healthcare satisfaction and habits. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2017; 18(2): 138-54.
17- Center E-CD. Iran Electronic Commerce Annual Report 2020 [cited 2022 1/22]. Available from:
18- Smith JA, Shinebourne P. Interpretative phenomenological analysis: American Psychological Association; 2012.
19- Eatough V, Smith JA. Interpretative phenomenological analysis. The Sage handbook of qualitative research in psychology, 2008; 179: 194.
20- Alase A. The interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA): A guide to a good qualitative research approach. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 2017; 5(2): 9-19.
21- WHO. E-health 2019 [cited 2022 1/22]. Available from:
22- Paul E, Brown GW, Ridde V. COVID-19: time for paradigm shift in the nexus between local, national and global health. BMJ global health, 2020; 5(4): e002622.
23- Rosen CB, Joffe S, Kelz RR. COVID-19 moves medicine into a virtual space: a paradigm shift from touch to talk to establish trust. Annals of surgery, 2020; 272(2): e159.
24- Han AY, Miller JE, Long JL, St John MA. Time for a paradigm shift in head and neck cancer management during the COVID-19 pandemic. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 2020; 163(3): 447-54.
25- Rampal L, Liew B. Malaysia's third COVID-19 wave-a paradigm shift required. The Medical Journal of Malaysia, 2021; 76(1): 1-4.
26- Sahu KK, Lal A, Mishra AK. Latest updates on COVID‐2019: A changing paradigm shift. Journal of medical virology; 2020.
27- Monaghesh E, Hajizadeh A. The role of telehealth during COVID-19 outbreak: a systematic review based on current evidence. BMC Public Health, 2020; 20(1): 1-9.
28- Arora T, Grey I. Health behaviour changes during COVID-19 and the potential consequences: A mini-review. Journal of Health Psychology, 2020; 25(9): 1155-63.
29- Zwanka RJ, Buff C. COVID-19 generation: A conceptual framework of the consumer behavioral shifts to be caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 2021; 33(1): 58-67.
30- Kusumasari B, Setianto WA, Pang LL. A study on digital democracy practice: Opportunities and challenges of e-Health implementation in Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, 2018; 22(1): 1.
31- Nasiri M, Vazifedoost H, Nasimi MA, Didekhani H. effective factors on health during online shopping with the approach of customer spurt Corona the cocona. Journal of Healthcare Management, 2021; 12(39): 37-52 .[persian]