Identify Effective Indicators in the Use of Blockchain Technology in the Drug Supply Chain (Using the Meta Synthesis Method for the Years 2010-2022)
Subject Areas : Health information managementSedigheh Mohammadesmaeil 1 * , hanieh fattahzadeh 2
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Epistemology, Tehran Research Sciences Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD student, Department of Communication Sciences and Epistemology, Tehran Research Sciences Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Supply chain, Pharmaceutical industry, Meta Synthesis, Blockchain, Traceability,
Abstract :
Introduction: Counterfeit drugs kill many people in the world every year. With the introduction of blockchain technology in the drug supply chain, the basic problem of this system, which is the existence of counterfeit drugs, will be solved. The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the effective indicators in the use of blockchain technology in the drug supply chain. Methods: In this paper, the meta synthesis method has been used to investigate and identify the effective indicators in the use of blockchain in the drug supply chain. meta synthesis is a qualitative research method. The data collection tool is library studies and research background research. In this regard, first 7770 original articles were found, of which, after reviewing the relevant titles, 102 articles remained and the rest were deleted. In the next step, by reviewing the abstracts of articles, 6 articles were deleted and 96 articles remained. Finally, 89 articles were selected by reviewing the content of the remaining articles. Validity and reliability were checked and finally, the data were entered in Excel software and the average percentage of blockchain indexes in the drug supply chain was calculated by the elites. Results: Using selected articles and experts' opinions, the following six main effective indicators were obtained. Smart contract, simplification of international transactions, identification, supply chain coordination, tracking and prevention of fraud in the pharmaceutical industry, permanent and secure storage of information, and balancing the pricing process and reducing costs. Conclusion: At present, this technology is the best option for use in the drug supply chain due to the benefits of drug traceability, transparency, permanent and secure storage of information, elimination of intermediaries, cost reduction and unchangeable information.
1- Abasnia, Seied Mohammad, Ara Research Center, 1397, [Persian]
2- Seyyedi P, Khalili nasr A & Rafati K, Strategic analysis of Iranian pharmaceutical industry. 6th International Conference on Management of Finance Business, Banking, Economics and Accounting. Tehran, March 16, 2021. file:///C:/Users/LENOVO/Downloads/MFTCONF06_040.pdf [Persian]
3- Foroutan, Valeh, Evaluation and ranking of factors affecting innovation capability in the pharmaceutical industry by AHP method, International Conference of Management Elites, Tehran, 1395. [Persian]
4- Ataei, Sepideh & Taghipourian, Mohammad Javad. Investigating Factors Influencing on Export Relationship Continuity of Iranian Companies of Medicine Exporter. Health Management and treatment Quarterly, 2019, 10(2): 47-35. [Persian]
5- Moradi Mojtaba, & Mirzazadeh Mohammmad Ali. Identification, Evaluation and Ranking of Manufacturing Risks in the Pharmaceutical Industry using the FMEA Method (Case study: Sobhan Darou Company). Health Management and treatment Quarterly, Volume 10, Number 1 - Serial Issue 31; Spring 2019: 43-51. [Persian]
6- Bahrami H, Azizi M, Badizadeh A & Rezghi H, Influence and Influence of Institutional Factors on the Internationalization of Technology Companies (Case Study of Pharmaceutical Industry). Health Management and treatment Quarterly, Volume 12, Number 1 - Serial Issue 39, Spring 2021: 53-68. [Persian]
7- Meyliana, E. Fernando, Surjandy and Marjuky, "The Business Process of Good Manufacturing Practice Based on Blockchain Technology in the Pharmaceutical Industry," 2021 Fifth International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management (CAMP), 2021: 91-95. doi: 10.1109/CAMP51653.2021.9498104.
8- Teodorescu M, Korchagina E. Applying Blockchain in the Modern Supply Chain Management: Its Implication on Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2021, 2 March.
9- Mirdad A & Hussain FK. Blockchain-Based Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: A Literature Review. In: Barolli L. (eds) Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing. 3PGCIC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, vol 343. Springer, Cham.
10- Uddin M, Salah K, Jayaraman R, Pesic S & Ellahham S. Blockchain for drug traceability: Architectures and open challenges. Health Informatics Journal. April 2021. doi:10.1177/14604582211011228
11- Abhijith MS, Achuthan, Akash TM, Alan Babu M, Shyam Krishna K. Enhanced Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management Using Ethereum Blockchain. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165, 2021, Volume 6, Issue 6, June
12- Islam N, Bhuiyan NAT, Chowdhury D, Hasan MM, Pervez R & Hoque MI. Decentralized way of keeping drug records using Blockchain Technology (Hyperledger Fabric). Int. J. Sci. Res. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021; 9(2).
13- Singh Sh, Choudhary G, Shandilya ShK, Sihag V & Choudhary A. Counterfeited Product Identification in a Supply Chain using Blockchain Technology. Research Briefs on Information & Communication Technology Evolution (ReBICTE), 2021, Vol. 7, Article No. 3 (July 15, 2021) doi:10.22667/ReBiCTE.2021.07.15.003
14- Hartley JL, Sawaya W & Dobrzykowski D. Exploring blockchain adoption intentions in the supply chain: perspectives from innovation diffusion and institutional theory", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2021. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
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18- Surjandy M, Fernando E, Cassandra C & Marjuki. Propose Model Blockchain Technology Based Good Manufacturing Practice Model of Pharmacy Industry in Indonesia. 2021 2nd International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology (ICITech), 2021, pp. 190-194, doi: 10.1109/ICITech50181.2021.9590120.
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_||_1- Abasnia, Seied Mohammad, Ara Research Center, 1397, [Persian]
2- Seyyedi P, Khalili nasr A & Rafati K, Strategic analysis of Iranian pharmaceutical industry. 6th International Conference on Management of Finance Business, Banking, Economics and Accounting. Tehran, March 16, 2021. file:///C:/Users/LENOVO/Downloads/MFTCONF06_040.pdf [Persian]
3- Foroutan, Valeh, Evaluation and ranking of factors affecting innovation capability in the pharmaceutical industry by AHP method, International Conference of Management Elites, Tehran, 1395. [Persian]
4- Ataei, Sepideh & Taghipourian, Mohammad Javad. Investigating Factors Influencing on Export Relationship Continuity of Iranian Companies of Medicine Exporter. Health Management and treatment Quarterly, 2019, 10(2): 47-35. [Persian]
5- Moradi Mojtaba, & Mirzazadeh Mohammmad Ali. Identification, Evaluation and Ranking of Manufacturing Risks in the Pharmaceutical Industry using the FMEA Method (Case study: Sobhan Darou Company). Health Management and treatment Quarterly, Volume 10, Number 1 - Serial Issue 31; Spring 2019: 43-51. [Persian]
6- Bahrami H, Azizi M, Badizadeh A & Rezghi H, Influence and Influence of Institutional Factors on the Internationalization of Technology Companies (Case Study of Pharmaceutical Industry). Health Management and treatment Quarterly, Volume 12, Number 1 - Serial Issue 39, Spring 2021: 53-68. [Persian]
7- Meyliana, E. Fernando, Surjandy and Marjuky, "The Business Process of Good Manufacturing Practice Based on Blockchain Technology in the Pharmaceutical Industry," 2021 Fifth International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management (CAMP), 2021: 91-95. doi: 10.1109/CAMP51653.2021.9498104.
8- Teodorescu M, Korchagina E. Applying Blockchain in the Modern Supply Chain Management: Its Implication on Open Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 2021, 2 March.
9- Mirdad A & Hussain FK. Blockchain-Based Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: A Literature Review. In: Barolli L. (eds) Advances on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing. 3PGCIC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, vol 343. Springer, Cham.
10- Uddin M, Salah K, Jayaraman R, Pesic S & Ellahham S. Blockchain for drug traceability: Architectures and open challenges. Health Informatics Journal. April 2021. doi:10.1177/14604582211011228
11- Abhijith MS, Achuthan, Akash TM, Alan Babu M, Shyam Krishna K. Enhanced Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management Using Ethereum Blockchain. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165, 2021, Volume 6, Issue 6, June
12- Islam N, Bhuiyan NAT, Chowdhury D, Hasan MM, Pervez R & Hoque MI. Decentralized way of keeping drug records using Blockchain Technology (Hyperledger Fabric). Int. J. Sci. Res. in Computer Science and Engineering, 2021; 9(2).
13- Singh Sh, Choudhary G, Shandilya ShK, Sihag V & Choudhary A. Counterfeited Product Identification in a Supply Chain using Blockchain Technology. Research Briefs on Information & Communication Technology Evolution (ReBICTE), 2021, Vol. 7, Article No. 3 (July 15, 2021) doi:10.22667/ReBiCTE.2021.07.15.003
14- Hartley JL, Sawaya W & Dobrzykowski D. Exploring blockchain adoption intentions in the supply chain: perspectives from innovation diffusion and institutional theory", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2021. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
15- Mohammad Esmaeil S, Fattahzadeh H. Big data strategy data-driven strategy metadata for start-up e-businesses. IRAN: First National Conference on Digital Transformation and Intelligent Systems, Larestan. 2021. [Persian]
16- Nawale SD & Konapure RR. Blockchain & IoT based Drugs Traceability for Pharma Industry. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICE/ITMC52061.2021.9570251.
17- Uddin M. Blockchain Medledger: Hyperledger fabric enabled drug traceability system for counterfeit drugs in pharmaceutical industry. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2021, Volume 597, 120235, ISSN 0378-5173,
18- Surjandy M, Fernando E, Cassandra C & Marjuki. Propose Model Blockchain Technology Based Good Manufacturing Practice Model of Pharmacy Industry in Indonesia. 2021 2nd International Conference on Innovative and Creative Information Technology (ICITech), 2021, pp. 190-194, doi: 10.1109/ICITech50181.2021.9590120.
19- Sarmad Z, Bazargan A, Hejazi E, Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Tehran: Agah, Publishing Institute. 1387. [Persian]
20- HoseiniBamakan SM & Nasiri E, Application of blockchain technology in the field of health and safety of drug supply chain. Fourth International Conference on Industrial Management, Yazd University, 2017. [Persian]
21- Rezaei L & Babazadeh R, Investigating the relationships between the influencing indicators of blockchain in the food industry, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 11, Issue 3, No. 22, Autumn 2020 [Persian]
22- Nazari P, Sohrabipoor A & Ahmadian L, A Study of Blockchain Applications in the Field of Health, The Second Conference on Medical Informatics and the Seventh Conference on Electronic Health and ICT Applications in Iranian Medicine, Tehran, 1397. [Persian]
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