Investigation of Relationship between Hybrid Quotient of Managers and Employees’ Organizational Commitment in Staff Departments of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Subject Areas : medical documents
Hossein Dargahi
Fereshteh Veysi
1 - Professor, Department of Health Management and Economics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master of Management and Health Economics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: organizational commitment, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Hybrid Quotient, employees, Managers,
Abstract :
Introduction: In the new century, managers need high hybrid quotient. The high hybrid intelligence of managers can affect the organizational commitment of staffs. Therefore, this research is aimed to determine the relationship between managers’ hybrid quotient and employees’ organizational commitment of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, staff departments. Methods: this research was a descriptive and analytical study induced in staff departments at 2017-2018. 112 middle and senior managers selected by census technic and also 181 employees as sample size induced by Krejcie and Morgan table. The research tool was research-instructed hybrid quotient questionnaire including 174 questions and Allen & Mayer Organizational commitment questionnaire that confirmed the validity and reliability of these questionnaires. The data was analyzed by SPSS and the descriptive results was presented by average and standard deviation, and using inferential statistics for presentation of analytical results. Results: The results showed that hybrid quotient of managers was desired with score of 651.91, and employees’ organizational commitment were medium upward with score of 76.12. There was positive correlation between managers’ hybrid quotient and normative aspect of staffs organizational commitment (P= 0.005). Using regression analysis, it was indicated that managers’ hybrid quotient has 97% impact on organizational commitment of staffs. Conclusion: Conducting a hybrid intelligence test in selection and appointment of managers as well as enhancement of this quotient through empowerment training can help the improvement of employees’ organizational commitment.
1- Singhal TK, Gang B, Saxena D. Organizational productivity through emotional intelligence. The Journal of Management Awareness, 2014; 17(1): 47-55.
2- Nahar Al-Rfou A. Compettion and organizational performance: empirical evidence from Jordanian firams. Journal of Economics, 2012; 3(1): 13-17.
3- Boyne CA, Meier KJ. Environmental change, human resources, and organizational turn around. Journal of Management Studies, 2009; 46(5): 835-63.
4- Humphreys J, Brunsen B, Davis D. Emotional structure and commitment: implications for health care management. Journal of Health and Management, 2005; 19(2): 120-29.
5- Khalid Bhatti K, Nawab S, Akbar A. Effect of direct participation on organizational commitment. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011; 2(9): 15-23.
6- Lines R. Influence of participation in strategic change: resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement. Journal of Change Management, 2004; 4(3): 193-215.
7- Ali I, Rehman K, Ali SS, Yousef J, Zia M. Corperate social responsibility influences, employee commitment and organizational performance. African Journal of Business Management, 2010; 4(12): 2796-2801.
8- Meyer JP, Herscovitch L. Commitment in the workplace, toward a general model. Human Resource Management Review, 2001; 11: 122-130.
9- Salami SO. Demographic and psychological factors predicting organizational commitment among industrial workers. The Antroplogist, 2008; 10(1): 31-38.
10- Sanagoo A, Nikravesh M, Dabbaghi F. Organizational commitment from nursing & midwifery faculty members′ perspective. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2006; 13(52): 83-92. [In Persian]
11- Yousef DA. Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and attitudes toward organizational change. International Journal of Public Administration, 2016; 40(1): 77-88. 2015.1072217.
12- Shafiq M, Akram Rana R. Relationship of emotional intelligence to organizational commitment of college teachers in Pakistan. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2016; 62: 1-14., 10.14689/ejar.2016.62.1.
13- Anonymous. Managerial quotient. Availiable at: [Cited 2019].
14- Baradaran M. Managerial quotient. Availiable at: [Cited 2019].
15- Dulewicz V, Higgs M, Slaski M. Measuring emotional intelligence and occupational stress among professional staff in Newzealand. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2006; 14(3): 186-203.
16- Coleman DD. Emotional intelligence. What it can matter than IQ. Leaving, 1996; 24(6): 49-50.
17- Jordan P, Ashkanasy N, Hartel C, Hooper G. Workgroup emotional intelligience: scale development and relationship to team process effectiveness and goal focus. Human Resource Management Review, 2002; 12(2): 195-214.
18- Narula AV, Aithal PS. Employability skill traits management quotient [ESMQ]: Conceptual model proposal. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 2018; 2(1): 1-30.
19- Minhas LS. Relation of managerial creativity and emotional intelligence to employee motivation commitment and performance. Journal of Psychological Research, 2017; 12(2): 255-64.
20- Sturges J, Guest D, Conway N, Mackenzie Dary K. A longitudinal study of the relationship between career management and organizational commitment among graduates in the first ten years of work. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 2002; 23(6): 731-43.
21- Sagharvandi S, Zabihi M. Spiritual intelligence and organizational commitment. Journal of Public Management Perspective, 2013; 3(12): 107-26. [In Persian]
22- Megreya AM. Emotional intelligence and criminal behavior. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2014; 60(1): 19-26.
23- Samoui R, Kamali F, Alavi M, Yazdi M. Comparison of management capabilities of health services management students and medical students based on indicators of emotional intelligence in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 2011; 10(5): 1209-15. [In Persian]
24- Ghaderi M, Shamsi A. The correlation between emotional intelligence and mental health among students of Jiroft City, Iran. Journal of Health Promotion Management, 2015; 5(1): 62-72. [In Persian]
25- Early PC, Mosakowski E. Toward culture intelligence: turning cultural differences into a workplace advantage. Academy of Management, 2004; 18(3): 44-52.
26- Lennick D, Kiel F. Moral intelligence, enhancing business performance and leadership success. USA, Newjersey: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Pearson Education. Inc; 2011: 13-20.
27- Martin DE, Austin B. Validation of moral competency inventory measurement instrument: content, construct, convergent and discriminant approaches. Management Research Review, 2010; 33(5): 437-51.
28- Arasteh HR, Jafarirad A, Azizi Shamami M, Mohammadi Jahromi N. Investigation of moral intelligence of students. Culture Strategy 2011; 10-11: 201-14. [In Persian]
29- Raisi M, Ahmari Tehrani H, Bakouei S, Jafarbegloo M, Momenian S, Abedini Z. Relation between spiritual intelligence, happiness and academic achievement in student of Qom University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Education and Ethics in Nursing, 2016; 5(3): 9-16. [In Persian]
30- King DB, DeCicco TL. A viable model and self – report measure of spiritual intelligence.The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 2009; 28: 68-58.
31- Semyari H, Heravi Karimooi M, Nasiri M, Arabi F. Spiritual intelligence in dental students of Tehran Universities 2013-2014. Journal of Nursing Education, 2015; 3(4): 48-57. [In Persian]
32- Allen NJ, Meyer JP. The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology; 1990; 63: 1-18.
33- Dargahi H, Sadat Tehrani GH. The relationship between management ethics and organizational commitment among employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Ethics and Medical History, 2013; 7(1): 43-52. [In Persian]
34- Rajabnezhad Z, Dargahi H, Reshadatjo H. The relationship between spiritual quotients of managers with organizational commitment of staffs in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Payavard Salamat, 2017; 11(3): 308-317. [In Persian]
35- Raadabadi M, Mojbafan A, Rajabi Vasokolaei GH, Dargahi H. The relationship of organizational commitment and political behavior tendency among the employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Asian Social Sciences, 2017; 11(21): 62-70. doi,org/10.5539/ass.v11n21p62.
36- Dargahi H, Morshedi Torabi M. The relationship of organizational citizenship behaviour with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses among public hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Manage Start Health System, 2017; 2(3): 234-46. [In Persian]
37- Yaghoubi M, Karimi S, Javadi M, Hassanzadeh A. A survey on relationship between job stress and three dimensions of organization commitment among nursing managers. Journal of School of Hamedan Nursing and Midwifery, 2010; 18(2): 5-15. [In Persian]
38- Delgushayi B, Toufighi SH, Kermani B. Relationship between organizational climiate and organizational commitment among Iran University of Medical Sciences teaching hospitals. Ofogh Danesh, 2009; 14(4): 60-68. [In Persian]
39- Avolio BJ, Zhu W, Koh W, Bhatia P. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2004; 25(8): 951-68.
40- Salamy SO. Demographic and psychological factors predicting organizational commitment among industrial workers. Anthropologist, 2008; 10(1): 31-38.
41- Petrides KV, Furnham A. The role of emotional intelligence in a gender-specific model of organizational variables. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2006; 36(2): 552-569.
42- Pao-Ling C, Min-Li H. Psychological contract breath and turnover intention: the moderating roles of adversity quotient and gender. Social Behavior and Personality: an international Journal, 2013; 41(5): 843-59.
43- Dargahi H, Rahmani H, Bigdeli Z, Javadi Ghale E, Yousefzadeh N. Managerial quotient: systematic review from among medical laboratory managers. Laboratory & Diagnosis, 2015; 27: 11-24. [In Persian]
44- Dargahi H, Rahmani H, Bigdeli Z, Javadi Ghaleh E, Yousefzadeh N. Managerial quotient: a systematic review among managers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2016; 6: 462-79.
45- Owen J. How to manage. Art of making things happen. 3 rd Edition. England: Prentice Hall. Inc; 2006: 45-60.
_||_1- Singhal TK, Gang B, Saxena D. Organizational productivity through emotional intelligence. The Journal of Management Awareness, 2014; 17(1): 47-55.
2- Nahar Al-Rfou A. Compettion and organizational performance: empirical evidence from Jordanian firams. Journal of Economics, 2012; 3(1): 13-17.
3- Boyne CA, Meier KJ. Environmental change, human resources, and organizational turn around. Journal of Management Studies, 2009; 46(5): 835-63.
4- Humphreys J, Brunsen B, Davis D. Emotional structure and commitment: implications for health care management. Journal of Health and Management, 2005; 19(2): 120-29.
5- Khalid Bhatti K, Nawab S, Akbar A. Effect of direct participation on organizational commitment. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011; 2(9): 15-23.
6- Lines R. Influence of participation in strategic change: resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement. Journal of Change Management, 2004; 4(3): 193-215.
7- Ali I, Rehman K, Ali SS, Yousef J, Zia M. Corperate social responsibility influences, employee commitment and organizational performance. African Journal of Business Management, 2010; 4(12): 2796-2801.
8- Meyer JP, Herscovitch L. Commitment in the workplace, toward a general model. Human Resource Management Review, 2001; 11: 122-130.
9- Salami SO. Demographic and psychological factors predicting organizational commitment among industrial workers. The Antroplogist, 2008; 10(1): 31-38.
10- Sanagoo A, Nikravesh M, Dabbaghi F. Organizational commitment from nursing & midwifery faculty members′ perspective. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, 2006; 13(52): 83-92. [In Persian]
11- Yousef DA. Organizational commitment, job satisfaction and attitudes toward organizational change. International Journal of Public Administration, 2016; 40(1): 77-88. 2015.1072217.
12- Shafiq M, Akram Rana R. Relationship of emotional intelligence to organizational commitment of college teachers in Pakistan. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 2016; 62: 1-14., 10.14689/ejar.2016.62.1.
13- Anonymous. Managerial quotient. Availiable at: [Cited 2019].
14- Baradaran M. Managerial quotient. Availiable at: [Cited 2019].
15- Dulewicz V, Higgs M, Slaski M. Measuring emotional intelligence and occupational stress among professional staff in Newzealand. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 2006; 14(3): 186-203.
16- Coleman DD. Emotional intelligence. What it can matter than IQ. Leaving, 1996; 24(6): 49-50.
17- Jordan P, Ashkanasy N, Hartel C, Hooper G. Workgroup emotional intelligience: scale development and relationship to team process effectiveness and goal focus. Human Resource Management Review, 2002; 12(2): 195-214.
18- Narula AV, Aithal PS. Employability skill traits management quotient [ESMQ]: Conceptual model proposal. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML), 2018; 2(1): 1-30.
19- Minhas LS. Relation of managerial creativity and emotional intelligence to employee motivation commitment and performance. Journal of Psychological Research, 2017; 12(2): 255-64.
20- Sturges J, Guest D, Conway N, Mackenzie Dary K. A longitudinal study of the relationship between career management and organizational commitment among graduates in the first ten years of work. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 2002; 23(6): 731-43.
21- Sagharvandi S, Zabihi M. Spiritual intelligence and organizational commitment. Journal of Public Management Perspective, 2013; 3(12): 107-26. [In Persian]
22- Megreya AM. Emotional intelligence and criminal behavior. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2014; 60(1): 19-26.
23- Samoui R, Kamali F, Alavi M, Yazdi M. Comparison of management capabilities of health services management students and medical students based on indicators of emotional intelligence in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Medical Education, 2011; 10(5): 1209-15. [In Persian]
24- Ghaderi M, Shamsi A. The correlation between emotional intelligence and mental health among students of Jiroft City, Iran. Journal of Health Promotion Management, 2015; 5(1): 62-72. [In Persian]
25- Early PC, Mosakowski E. Toward culture intelligence: turning cultural differences into a workplace advantage. Academy of Management, 2004; 18(3): 44-52.
26- Lennick D, Kiel F. Moral intelligence, enhancing business performance and leadership success. USA, Newjersey: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Pearson Education. Inc; 2011: 13-20.
27- Martin DE, Austin B. Validation of moral competency inventory measurement instrument: content, construct, convergent and discriminant approaches. Management Research Review, 2010; 33(5): 437-51.
28- Arasteh HR, Jafarirad A, Azizi Shamami M, Mohammadi Jahromi N. Investigation of moral intelligence of students. Culture Strategy 2011; 10-11: 201-14. [In Persian]
29- Raisi M, Ahmari Tehrani H, Bakouei S, Jafarbegloo M, Momenian S, Abedini Z. Relation between spiritual intelligence, happiness and academic achievement in student of Qom University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Education and Ethics in Nursing, 2016; 5(3): 9-16. [In Persian]
30- King DB, DeCicco TL. A viable model and self – report measure of spiritual intelligence.The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 2009; 28: 68-58.
31- Semyari H, Heravi Karimooi M, Nasiri M, Arabi F. Spiritual intelligence in dental students of Tehran Universities 2013-2014. Journal of Nursing Education, 2015; 3(4): 48-57. [In Persian]
32- Allen NJ, Meyer JP. The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance and normative commitment to the organization. Journal of Occupational Psychology; 1990; 63: 1-18.
33- Dargahi H, Sadat Tehrani GH. The relationship between management ethics and organizational commitment among employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Ethics and Medical History, 2013; 7(1): 43-52. [In Persian]
34- Rajabnezhad Z, Dargahi H, Reshadatjo H. The relationship between spiritual quotients of managers with organizational commitment of staffs in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Payavard Salamat, 2017; 11(3): 308-317. [In Persian]
35- Raadabadi M, Mojbafan A, Rajabi Vasokolaei GH, Dargahi H. The relationship of organizational commitment and political behavior tendency among the employees of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Asian Social Sciences, 2017; 11(21): 62-70. doi,org/10.5539/ass.v11n21p62.
36- Dargahi H, Morshedi Torabi M. The relationship of organizational citizenship behaviour with job satisfaction and organizational commitment of nurses among public hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Manage Start Health System, 2017; 2(3): 234-46. [In Persian]
37- Yaghoubi M, Karimi S, Javadi M, Hassanzadeh A. A survey on relationship between job stress and three dimensions of organization commitment among nursing managers. Journal of School of Hamedan Nursing and Midwifery, 2010; 18(2): 5-15. [In Persian]
38- Delgushayi B, Toufighi SH, Kermani B. Relationship between organizational climiate and organizational commitment among Iran University of Medical Sciences teaching hospitals. Ofogh Danesh, 2009; 14(4): 60-68. [In Persian]
39- Avolio BJ, Zhu W, Koh W, Bhatia P. Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2004; 25(8): 951-68.
40- Salamy SO. Demographic and psychological factors predicting organizational commitment among industrial workers. Anthropologist, 2008; 10(1): 31-38.
41- Petrides KV, Furnham A. The role of emotional intelligence in a gender-specific model of organizational variables. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2006; 36(2): 552-569.
42- Pao-Ling C, Min-Li H. Psychological contract breath and turnover intention: the moderating roles of adversity quotient and gender. Social Behavior and Personality: an international Journal, 2013; 41(5): 843-59.
43- Dargahi H, Rahmani H, Bigdeli Z, Javadi Ghale E, Yousefzadeh N. Managerial quotient: systematic review from among medical laboratory managers. Laboratory & Diagnosis, 2015; 27: 11-24. [In Persian]
44- Dargahi H, Rahmani H, Bigdeli Z, Javadi Ghaleh E, Yousefzadeh N. Managerial quotient: a systematic review among managers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2016; 6: 462-79.
45- Owen J. How to manage. Art of making things happen. 3 rd Edition. England: Prentice Hall. Inc; 2006: 45-60.